Recent Target Purchases + a giveaway

Sunday nights usually start off with Jer and I complaining how we really don't feel like going to work tomorrow. We rarely make lunches the night before and no matter what we are always running late come Monday morning. Yesterday wasn't one of those days because we took the day off, BOOM! Just like that, Sunday wasn't that bad and Monday got a whole lot better!

While enjoying our day off, I ran into Target to exchange a pair of shoes for Sky and well, you know how that goes. You walk in to get flour and spend $100 at the Target dollar spot! I didn't too bad this time, walked out with the shoes I needed for Sky and $25 worth of goodies, SCORE!

With out pre-ception coming up I knew I wanted to keep my eyes open for cute thank you cards and I managed to score a bunch for a total of $5 at the good old dollar spot section. I also picked up a few folders and planner supplies that I 'needed' and while doing so I decided I would pick up a few extra goodies for...a GIVEAWAY!

Whenever I find Target dollar spot goodies I feel blessed. I know, that makes me sound like a freaking lunatic but this shit goes fast! Once Target stocks the dollar section it's raided like a sale going on a Lululemon's, except sales at Lulu's don't really happen, I digress. Most times I pick up more than I need because you may never see those cute planner stickers ever again!


So yesterday while there I stumbled upon a rack of goodies that clearly no one found and I just couldn't leave them there to suffer alone. They needed me, I needed them and you needed them! So I picked them up, paid and  attempted to avoid eye contact with Jerek when I got home so he didn't ask too many questions. You know the usual smile when I walk in the door, then look down at my arms that are gripping on to those white and red bags like a kid at Christmas asking questions like 'what did you buy now that you just couldn't live without...' The guy knows me best people, he knows me best! 


So here you go, a little something from me to you! There's a little bit of everything, cards, folders, a notebook, a cute new planner and some office supplies. I know how devastating it can be when you see something on Instagram and then can't find it later on, it's like a little piece of your heart slips away when those bins are empty. All jokes aside, I love Target, I love the dollar spot and I love giving gifts for people!

a Rafflecopter giveaway