Influenster Review | Vow Vox Box

If I got a dollar for every time someone asked me 'soooooo, when are you guys going to get married?!' I would probably be a millionaire. Not.Even.Kidding.

People people people! Can't you just look at me and think that ,maybe I resemble Angelina or Kourtney Kardasian {minus a few million dollars, a bunch of nannies, second homes and the insane marketing deals they get.} Okay, not really.
{Yes, another feet on gross old people green porch carpet picture, SCORE!}
The other day I was listening to Mojo in the Morning and they were asking people if they would rather get a engagement ring or a house with their significant other. SO many women were calling in saying they got the ring but now wish they would have gotten a house together! So basically what I'm trying to say is I'M COOL! I'm actually AHEAD of the game. I have the desirable life according to some women in the metro Detroit area. This got me thinking, maybe I'll just do Tracen's high school grad party/our wedding all together {kidding mom & grandma!} But in all seriousness, my life is amazing just the way it is! One day when we get married, I'll have both boys {maybe more!} do this cause you know I'm planning their outfits already in my head for this photo opt!

So with all that being said, I'm betting you're wondering, how did you get picked to get/review the Vow Vox Box when it is for brides, bridesmaids, etc. Well let me tell you.

I have no idea.
I must have answered the questions how they wanted?
Or they know something I don't??
Or because everything I got in the box is basically for a mom?

Whatever the reason was, COOL! So without any longer of an intro, 
here is my 'Vow Vox Box' from Influenster.

With my last review, I gave you more of a first impression as I unboxed the items but hadn't used them beforehand. 
This time around I wanted to use the products for about a week and then get back to you with what I thought of them. So with that being said, here are my thoughts, concerns, likes, dislikes and randomness all wrapped into one. ENJOY!


1. Pure Silk Raspberry Mist Shave Cream: With very sensitive skin I usually use a manly shave cream that works wonders.  I shy away from the women's cream's because I'm scared the scent will irritate my legs. This shave scream has worked better than I thought and the scent has not bothered me at all. In fact I think my legs stay smoother longer than with my holy grail shave cream.
2. Tide To Go Pen: I didn't need to test this out because I use these regularly! With two little messy boys and myself being a slob kabob I have a few of these so adding one more to our household was great! This is currently in my car for when I spill coffee down me and am already half way to work {it happens more than you think!}
3. Eco Tools Facial Sponge: At first I was hesitant on how this would work because it felt and looked like a pumice stone you would use on your feet! It was that hard! Once I got in the shower and got it went, it INSTANTLY became soft and started foaming with a little scrubbing. It gelt great on my skin and I got out of the shower with that squeaky clean feeling we all long to have from a facial scrub. This was a hidden gem I never knew existed! {says to replace every 2-3 months.}
4. Sally Hanson Salon Formula Nail Polish: If you've seen my DIY Nail Polish Rack you will have seen I have a lot of blue/shades of blue. I don't have any this light, nor do I have any of this salon formula so this was right up my ally! {Currently on my nails; 6 days in and going strong!}
5. Olay Tone Perfecting Moisturizer: I can't lie about this, but when I first think of Olay I think of old women slash my mom {sorry mom, but i'm 90% sure you use/used this growing up.} I have dry skin no matter the time of year and am always on the hunt for a great moisturizer. I've tried a ton of different brands and price points and the one I'm using right now is just meh. I was shocked at how moisturizing this was but not oily in the least bit! Olay is not a brand I would probably ever gravitate towards so I'm glad this was in the box! I will solely be using this and ditching my current mediocre moisturizer. 

Over all I was very impressed with this box! I thought it might not apply to me but every product is something I will use! I will be curious to see what the next box is and if I qualify! 

Disclosure: I received this box complimentary from Influenster. No compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. Hahaha, love your intro! And I think these products could be used by anyone!

  2. "slob kabob" may be my favorite line from this post :)

  3. "I think of old women slash my mom...." Aaaaaaccckkkkk!!!! You're calling your mother 'old'!!!!! Yes, I've used in the past and still use Olay products, but now you can see why........ they are GREAT! (When I saw you received it, was gonna say 'if you don't want it, I'll take it!')
