What it's like to not be married

*I need to let you know that I began writing this before October 10th. Before Jerek got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. But before I say anymore, I want you to know that everything still applies, my feelings haven't changed. Well things have changed, but I now where a different ring on my left hand and we call each other Beyonce from time to time. But that's all really, we're still the same people.*

Moving on.

I read this article a few days ago and although it was formed based on answers from a Reddit thread {who actually takes those seriously} I still got annoyed by it. Everything these married men and women were saying applied to me. You're probably wonder how since I've stated multiple times that Jerek and I are not married. So I wanted to tell you what it's really like to NOT be married, all numbered bullshit aside.

When my married friends wake up to take care of their kids, I'm doing the same thing.
When my married friends kiss their husbands goodbye and go to work, I'm doing the same thing.
And when my married friends made a commitment to each other I have already done the same thing.

Jerek and I have been dating on and off for almost 11 years (in Nov). When we got pregnant with Tracen I never pondered if he would stay around like some do. I knew him better than that. We were in a relationship and as the months went on it was more than evident we were together forever and beyond excited to grow our family. Our commitment to each other was stronger than ever.

If I got paid for every time someone asked when we were getting married I would be a millionaire. I don't know what I loathe more, that question or the 'sooo, are you going to try for a girl soon?'  I always want to respond, 'yeah we did last night, did you?'  Like get outta my face people!

When Jerek and I talked about wanting to have another baby after Tracen we talked about maybe we would get married before hand but I was always the one that said I rather have 10 more kids and a house before planning a wedding. Growing up my dad was a chef for country clubs working long hours and almost every holiday. He worked probably thousands of events and weddings in my lifetime. My mom was also a event planner before I was born and I worked countless weddings at country clubs through and after college. I know all the preparation it takes to plan a wedding and the stress that comes with it. Not only is it stressful but it's effing expensive! So when I would tell people I'd rather have another baby and buy a house people often smiled, nodded their head and I'm sure thought I was crazy. To me the MOST important things are Jerek and the boys. Having a space that is our own was next on the list followed by eventually getting married.

I know a lot of people my age (28) that are already divorced or are raising kids as a single parent. While I give the single parents a ton of credit I have always prided myself and Jerek for not being just another unmarried, baby making statistic. We're more than that. When unwed mothers get pregnant people always judge you. They feel bad for you, pity that you aren't married and bringing a child into a warm and loving home together as a married couple. What they don't know is that the home my kids live in is filled with SO much love and dedication from Jerek and I, that I feel bad for the kids that parents ARE married and don't have this. Newsflash, being married doesn't mean you're great parents and being a great parent is all I'm worried about! Sometimes I want to yell this to the old women behind me at Target who's obviously staring at my left hand while my kids try and ride the conveyor belt and all I can do is smile, pay my bill and make sure I don't leave my Starbucks on the counter. Cause that would be BAD!!!

I'm hear to to tell you that I take marriage seriously and I only want to do it once. I refuse to comply to what society thinks is normal because I'm not normal, I'm fucking awesome. I work a full-time job, and raise two amazing boys with the love of my life, Jer. I document our lives here and through videos so that I never forget a thing, the good and the bad. Jerek and I do all the 'normal' family stuff together like laundry, clean, take the boys to the park, grocery shop and yard work. We do house projects together, we go black Friday shopping together, we make fun of each other for saying stupid shit and we have everything that Taryn Hillin from the Huffington post article says married couples have, and more.

When we do decide to get married we will have something special that many 'normal' married couples don't. We will have both of our boys in the wedding, we'll be able to document our special day as a family together. This will show through in everything that we do, from the pictures and videos to all the planning that takes place. Because when it comes down to it, the title of husband and wife is far less important to me, what matters the most are the titles of mommy and daddy. In the meantime, don't look at me and wonder if I'm sad because I'm not married, because I'm not. Don't feel bad for talking about your upcoming wedding with me because I'm probably just as excited as you are! And to the old lady at Target, the nail polish I'm wearing is Lincoln Park After Dark, would you like to see my middle finger?

Starbucks is Life

You might think this is a joke, but it's not! I get people asking me ALL the time what I order because I Instagram or talk about the bux A LOT; I know, I have issues, it's fine. I wanted to break it down to you on what I order from the way I order it and the amount of calories are in each drink just incase you're looking to change up your coffee drankkkk.

I'm serious, if you don't believe me just keep reading! Starbucks is no joke to me. There are are only a few other places I enjoy going to get my caffeine fix and those are super local. My girlfriend Chelsea did get me hooked on the coffee bean but we don't really have them here in Michigan so I'm partial to my Starbucks.

{hot}- Blonde roast-with soy milk & sugar free carmel-Calories: 40
{cold}- Iced coffee with soy milk & sugar free carmel-Calories: 80

{hot} PSL with soy (add 3 pumps of sugar free carmel!)
-Calories: 310 (only in the fall!)
{cold} Iced Americano {light ice} & sugar free carmel-Calories: 25

{summer} toasted coconut frappe (to DIE for!)-Calories: TOO MANY
{all the time/low cal} blendocanio 
(I can't take credit for this one! Michelle (I follow her on IG) posted about it and I've altered it to what I like)
-4 shots, venti scoop of ice (NO BASE! NO MILK!) with sugar free carmel 
Calories: 25

| TEA |
{cold} Iced passion tea (no caffeine)- 0
{cold} Iced green tea & 2 pumps classic sweetener (caffeine)- Calories 32

While I use to be a Caramel Macchiato girl that shit got expensive AND it was really too sweet for me, not to mention about 300 calories! OUI! Fast forward 5 years and I've gotten my drinks down to a science. I even have Jerek drinking some of the same things I do!

Last weeks giveaway was an improv one but none the less still exciting, especially for Barbra who won the NUME 19mm wand! Since Starbucks locations are err where {yup} I'm teaming up with some lovely ladies and giving away a $35 Starbucks gift card as well as 2 Strips of ACUTE CARE from Rodan + Fields! While I am not a consultant for R+F my girl Janelle is and has a crazy deal going on for this brand new product! If you are blow away from the pictures below {which I was!} and want more details, her contact info is below! {Watch a Short Video HERE for more info}

Contact Janelle for more Info || EMAIL || WEBSITE || BLOG ||

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Halloween Throwback

Hope ya'll are ready for some throwbacks cause this is getting reallllll serious!

Since I was a little girl my mom ALWAYS made our costumes. It was tradition that we would load up in the caravan and head to Joanne Fabrics and look at the patterns for hours trying to find the best costume for that year. I don't think I even knew that you could buy Halloween costumes because my mom always made ours. Looking back I realized how cool and amazing my mom was and I bet all the other moms were jealous when I said my mom made my costume. I know now I would be at least!

High school came and I veered off the trick-or-treating days. Never you fear, along came college and Halloween was back ON! One day in college I was talking to my mom and she asked what my Halloween plans were and if I was dressing up. I told her I wanted to be a flapper and would figure something out. I don't really remember the full on conversation but I went home a few weeks later and BOOM, a hand made flapper costume was made and ready for me to wear. {I'm sparing you pictures of the party I was at because I most likely had the most clothes on >_<
The next year I decided I was going to make my own. I had Amy Winehouse on my brain and I did Amy the best I could. {I had a ball of yard under the top of my hair in case you were wondering how that poof was so big!}Also notice how freaking skinny I was! #toobeyoungagain
Graduation happen and although we weren't in college any longer my girlfriend and I decided we wanted to dress up and go out. She was Kat Von D {I did her tattoos thank you very much!} and I was Betty Boop! I'm not sure if my mom heard me talking on the phone or if I told her that I wanted to be Betty Boop but home girl made it happen and made me the dress and I did my hair {faux bob} and makeup. People at the bar actually guessed correctly too! This is always important, you never want people looking at you with that 'what the eff is she' look on their face.
Next year I was 7 months pregnant and I knew exactly what I wanted to be. My only issue was I had to convince Jerek to do the couples costume with me. My mom and I went thrifting at a few different Salvation army stores looking for everything. This way I could present Jerek with his entire outfit and therefore couldn't say no right? RIGHT! It took a few weeks because lord, those shorts were pretty short but he made it happen! Insert Juno and Paulie. We went to a bar with our friends trying to win a Halloween contest and although we didn't win {it was rigged!} I danced my bump off! {Get it, I'm so funny.} Seriously though, people were asking me if the bump was real in the bathroom, which I then would lift up my shirt and say yup! That year stanky leg was real annoying popular and I think it's safe to say that my dance moves get better the more pregnant I am. JUST SAYIN!
All you mama's sitting there thinking 'ugh, Halloween is a few weeks away, I really don't feel like doing out and being around all those drunk annoying people.'  Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you should stay home and wallow in your 50 lb weight gain, eat all the candy that was meant for the neighbor kids and complain because all your non-pregnant friends are out having fun. Find something fun to do! As soon as you know it you'll be buying bee and duck costumes and hoping the only orange shirt you have fits over your not so perfect body anymore. Not to say it's a bad thing but do something, you will make memories that you can look back on! Plus it's one night and the people watching is OUT.OF.THIS.WORLDDDDDDD!
While I don't think I can convince my mom to make me a costume this year Jerek has taken the que from my mom and last year Tracen said he wanted to be a red race car. And a red race car he was! With working head lights I might add! Stay tuned for this years costumes with two little toe heads.

Happy Thursday!

Why I Recommend Products + a NUME wand giveaway!

A few weeks ago I debuted our family photos and still haven't figured out what ones we will print and display in the house. Because I love a good selfie, I posted a picture on my Instagram and people seemed to really like my hair {the cut, color & the curl.} Like I've said before, the cut and color are ALL Jamie, my hairstylist. However the curl, that's me, or NUME rather.

I belong to a mommy group on Facebook called Mommyhood 101. People post pictures of things for sale, they post stories of crazy family members, they ask questions at 4am in need of help, advice or someone else who is up and wants to chat! It's a really nice community and although some posts don't always apply to me, I answer things when I see fit. As a mom of two I noticed a lot of moms talking about be strapped for time and how do people do it.

When an email from NUME came across my inbox for a deal that only lasted 3 days, I posted this:

 A curling wand that retailed for $169 and was on sale for $28 was something that I could not keep to myself! So I posted it on my personal Facebook page and Instagram as well. It's no secret I love a good deal and I love a good deal on something that works! I've used a ton of different curling irons and wands over the years and I've realized, you pay for what you get. But with NUME and their coupon codes and packaged deals you always score a great and affordable deal!

After I posted the picture and answered some questions people had on what size to get {I have the 19mm and ordered the 25mm using the coupon code} I went to bed, feeling good that so many other moms were scoring the same great deal I was.

Fast forward a week and I'm on Facebook and come across this picture on my news feed:

A few days later I see this post:
Do you know what its like to post a picture of yourself and like what you see or get over 238 people liking a photo of your face or what its like to feel like a sexy mama or what it's like to have mostly strangers, tell you that you look amazing, cute and beautiful. It's a damn good feeling and this isn't even me or my photo! I just love that these other women are feeling good about themselves just from me thinking that maybe I'll post a photo of my hair, because I also, like these women, like what I saw that day and I love to share deals.

Last week I posted a video of my makeup on my Youtube channel from our family pictures and as promised to everyone that comment on my hair on my Facebook and in MH101, I did a tutorial on how I personally use my NUME 19mm wand to get the look you saw from the very first photo above. Because I love this wand SO much and I know a lot of people weren't able to score the deal I decided that I would do a giveaway of one of the NUME 19mm wands that I bought with the coupon code! I also emailed NUME and asked for any coupon codes I could let people in on as many missed the great $28 deal and they were so kind to send me over some to use. I stated this before but anytime I get promo emails I'll post so you are the first to know about these offers! So without further mumble jumbo you can watch me do my make-up HERE and my hair curling tutorial HERE using the NUME 19mm wand! The giveaway will be open for 1 full week and is NOT sponsored in any way!

INSTASPECIAL- $49 for the 35mm special wand PLUS the Silhouette Straightener for $49!!! {You have to add both items and THEN add the coupon codes at the checkout for the discount to be taken, just and FYI!} --This is an AMAZING DEAL!!!
NUMEFALL50- 50% off entire website PLUS free shipping to US & Canada
HAIRMASTER- Titan 3 in 1 curling wand PLUS In Vouge Straightener- $99 {normally +$250!!}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

October Goals

The word October just makes me smile. One of my favorite things to do is rip off calendar sheets. No really, Elyse and I ask each other the day before 'Did you rip it yet? Are you waiting till you come in tomorrow and doing it?' Important questions folks. Call me crazy but there's nothing like a fresh calendar with endless possibilities just staring at you square in the face!  Since September is over and October is here, I don't feel as guilty talking about how basic I am by drinking a #PSL. Or how I'll be wearing leggings and boots {E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.} Or how I've already gone through my fall candles from BBW that I purchased. I don't feel bad about any of this because, you ready for this,
I COMPLETED ALL MY SEPTEMBER GOALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-- yes these were needed.

Let's recap!
1. Sign up for mom2mom sale/have garage sale- If you haven't watched my mom2mom video here you will know that I made $165, boom! I also recently sold some more baby items on a mommy Facebook group I'm on and we sold two of Jereks motorcycle jackets that were collecting dust. I also sent a bag full of goodies to ThredUp and am waiting to see what sold. Whatever didn't will be donated to charity, so basically, I ROCKED THIS GOAL!!!

2. Meal Plan- Every week we sat down and figured out 5 meals for the week. We always have pizza party Friday, so we don't need to plan for that and we usually go to Jerek's parents for family dinner on Sunday's so we didn't need to plan for that either. I'm happy to report we planned out meals and ONLY spent $100 every week at the grocery store this month. GOAL COMPLETED!!!

3. Paint living room- If you follow me on Instagram, yo will have seen the paint swatch I hinted at for the living room. I'm holding off showing you a picture of the living room because it's not complete. To be honest it's not decorated what so ever and 99% of the time it has a shit ton of toys, half drank bubbas and dirty socks all over the place. SO, maybe once we hang some family photos, artwork and mount the TV you will get a full post on it; just like I have done with the other rooms in the house. Regardless, it's painted folks! COMPLETE!

There you have it, I did it! Want to know what I didn't do in September...bet you can guess...RUN. Every night I find some excuse as to why I can't run. I'm too full, I have a full beer I need to finish. I'm writing a blog post. Editing a video. The dishes need me. The laundry needs me. The couch, blankets and ice cream need me. I need them. Honestly I'm pretty disappointed in myself. I need to step up my game because we have T-18 days till the Detroit marathon and I didn't pay $60 to walk around Detroit {I could have gone to the bar instead.}

1. Crock pot meals {once a week, no repeats}- With the cold weather coming I want to make sure we make a crock pot meals once a week. Not only is it amazing to come home to that glorious smell but the meal is all ready for you with nothing left to do but eat but it! This makes it easier to unwind sooner and not be so rushed for the nighttime/bedtime routine.

2. Decorate Living Room- Since we just painted it and took family photos, I want to start decorating and really finish this room!

3. Finish bedroom- yes, another unfinished room in the house. There isn't much left to do here but we need to finish the painting around the closet {we still have painters tape up!} and figure out a few more decorations for table under the TV and maybe a throw pillow, or 10. Kidding Jerek.

4. Turn the TV off at dinner- Simple right? But we've had a bad habit of leaving it on in the other room while we eat and this has Trey getting up all the time going to 'check it out real quick'. I want this to end because it's really distracting him from eating.

I have to say October is my favorite month of all time! The weather is to die for! The leaves, the decorations, the colors, the boots, the beanies, the list really goes on about how great it is, in Michigan at least! Happy cider drinking, donut eating, marathon running, pumpkin patch going, PSL drinking October guys!!!