Starbucks is Life

You might think this is a joke, but it's not! I get people asking me ALL the time what I order because I Instagram or talk about the bux A LOT; I know, I have issues, it's fine. I wanted to break it down to you on what I order from the way I order it and the amount of calories are in each drink just incase you're looking to change up your coffee drankkkk.

I'm serious, if you don't believe me just keep reading! Starbucks is no joke to me. There are are only a few other places I enjoy going to get my caffeine fix and those are super local. My girlfriend Chelsea did get me hooked on the coffee bean but we don't really have them here in Michigan so I'm partial to my Starbucks.

{hot}- Blonde roast-with soy milk & sugar free carmel-Calories: 40
{cold}- Iced coffee with soy milk & sugar free carmel-Calories: 80

{hot} PSL with soy (add 3 pumps of sugar free carmel!)
-Calories: 310 (only in the fall!)
{cold} Iced Americano {light ice} & sugar free carmel-Calories: 25

{summer} toasted coconut frappe (to DIE for!)-Calories: TOO MANY
{all the time/low cal} blendocanio 
(I can't take credit for this one! Michelle (I follow her on IG) posted about it and I've altered it to what I like)
-4 shots, venti scoop of ice (NO BASE! NO MILK!) with sugar free carmel 
Calories: 25

| TEA |
{cold} Iced passion tea (no caffeine)- 0
{cold} Iced green tea & 2 pumps classic sweetener (caffeine)- Calories 32

While I use to be a Caramel Macchiato girl that shit got expensive AND it was really too sweet for me, not to mention about 300 calories! OUI! Fast forward 5 years and I've gotten my drinks down to a science. I even have Jerek drinking some of the same things I do!

Last weeks giveaway was an improv one but none the less still exciting, especially for Barbra who won the NUME 19mm wand! Since Starbucks locations are err where {yup} I'm teaming up with some lovely ladies and giving away a $35 Starbucks gift card as well as 2 Strips of ACUTE CARE from Rodan + Fields! While I am not a consultant for R+F my girl Janelle is and has a crazy deal going on for this brand new product! If you are blow away from the pictures below {which I was!} and want more details, her contact info is below! {Watch a Short Video HERE for more info}

Contact Janelle for more Info || EMAIL || WEBSITE || BLOG ||

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Totally jacked up IG name & hit enter without thinking, ha! it's pamelabaker5

  2. I've never really been a Starbucks girl, I'm totally obsessed with regular old coffee from Dunkin, but I may just have to try some of your orders, especially since I was recently gifted a gift card :)

  3. Love husband always gives me so much crap for my order. It is a bit ridiculous, but so good!

  4. I'm a little bit upset I've never had that frap before because it sounds delicious- I looove coconut!
