#ifchic24 Saturday Style

GUYS. If you your boyfriend fiancé buys you your blog domain name for you make sure he sets it up with an email address that he actually CHECKS!!! My blog was up to be renewed on Wednesday and little did I know that come Thursday when I was attempting a full website remodel (BTW how do you like it?!?!) that it wouldn't be there when I tried viewing it! Jerek bought me my domain name last year for Mothers day but to be sneaky he set it up with his AOL email address so I wouldn't see any emails coming in. Nice but the kid has thousands of unread emails in that thing. So when he got reminders to renew he was clueless about it. Then in I come about to cry like a 9 month pregnant women because I thought that shit was gone FOREVER! Yeah. Dramatic, that's me dude. This baby is important to me so you can see why I was freaking out a bit. Apparently something was wrong with the CNAME, whatever the hell that is. After some serious customer service talking, freak posting on Facebook I had people messaging me to help. Thankful for the internet, I got it all figured out, shot out to Rob from elementary school who saw my fb status and lender me his IT brain!

So, now that we got that cleared up lets do something a little different! How about having a post go up on a Saturday. This is 100% because of the problem above. This was suppose to be a "fashion Friday" post but we shall now call this a style Saturday post and better yet a FREE style Saturday!


Yep, that's right people! We all know I'm about that coupon life, that finding a good deal life and that never pay full price life. When people hear the word free they usually think cheap, at least I do. These  are modern, contemporary pieces are far from cheap. Today is I'm going to share with you how you can get $180 free EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.



When I shop online and find something I just can't live without I usually go straight to Google and look up coupon codes. While online shopping recently I came across if chic. When I saw the prices I thought, holy hell, this is not midwest Michigan mama prices! Designer pieces with designer prices made me want to X out of the window all together until a little gold coin poped up saying click to collect $2, what da? So being the curious George that I am, I did. Almost like an angel saying click on me, I give you free monies!

Lets get into the details on how you score your own $180 free and can cash in like I did! Every time you visit ifchic.com you are able to collect "ifchic" coins while drooling browsing the latest pieces. Each coin is worth $2 and you can collect 3 of them a day. I'll do the math for you, $6 a day, that's $180 a month. These coins then turn into free money for you to use on their special shopping event every month #ifchic24 which happens every month on the 24th. This is how I scored these babies this perfect bag and dress! {This dress looks really similar to the dress from my post last week that I wanted too!}

Some more information for your brains to process:

What is #ifchic24?

#ifchic24 is an exclusive 24 hour promotional event on the 24th of every month ifchic.com. Explore contemporary designers and emerging labels at an amazing price on this day. Redeem up to $180 in ifchic coins on your entire purchase at checkout, including sale items! Shop our buyer's top picks with up to 50% off only on #ifchic24.

How long will this even last?

The event lasts the whole day (24 hours) starting at 12:01am ET and ending at 11:59pm ET on the 24th of every month.

What happens once the event is over?
Starting on the 25th of each month, you can start collecting ifchic coins again for the next #ifchic24 event.

You may be wondering, HOW CAN IT BE THAT EASY?? I'm here to tell you it's true, it is! If fact it shipped to me within a few days and the pieces are high quality! In order to not miss your $6 a day I have a reminder that pops up on my calendar at 9am everyday. I log on, see if there is anything new and collect my coins. Easy peasy lemon squeasy. You can also pre-shop and keep things in your cart till the 24th to insure you don't miss out a piece you totally want! I mean...I didn't do that with this grey dress or anything...

Make sure you check it out and tag me in any pictures on instagram if you snag something this month! I can't wait to show you what I score next month!


1 comment

  1. Does this really work? I want to do it but seems like its too good to be true!! Have you kept up with it?
