What I'm Wearing

Hola friends and happy Friday! I hate to rub it in, or do I, but we have another Friday and Monday off this week, WAHOO! While Friday's are great and all THIS Friday is double awesome because Jer and I are headed to Chicago for the weekend, KID-FREE! Yes, I'll repeat that for you, NO KIDS, JUST ADULTS! We're headed there so I can shoot my girlfriend from college's wedding video on Saturday and I'm super excited!

NEWSFLASH! Jer and I haven't had a night without kids since New Years Eve. No joke, it's been over 8 months! While I will be there to shoot the wedding, we will most definitely sneak in some us time and hopefully a Sprinkle cupcake and some Jamba Juice #priorities 

MONDAY|  Jeans + Tee + Sandals (similar) 

TUESDAY| Shorts + Tee + Shoes

WEDNESDAY| Pants + Top + Shoes (similar) 

THURSDAY| Jeans + Tee + Sandals

FRIDAY| Shorts + Tank + Cardigan (similar) 

UHHH so can you guys tell I like jeans and tee's a little too much!  For real though, skinny jeans and a loose fitting tee are the way to my heart. Throw in a good pair of ankle booties, a scarf and a leather jacket, BOOM, fall yo, freaking fall!

Alright guys it's time to finish the laundry, packing & charging to the cameras & off to Chicago we go! XO


  1. EVERY ONE of your outfits are SUPER cute!

    Enjoy your night away! My husband and I never get kid-free time. Ever.
