Date night: Murder Mystery Company

They say once you have kids you need to make sure you still go on dates. After having two kids plus two busy work schedules, dates are the most important thing to keep our relationship going.

You can usually find us taking days off work on Mondays or Fridays (sometimes both!), we do this because daycare is a sunk cost at this point and we like to take full advantage of it. It's a prepaid 8 hour date to do whatever we want. These dates usually include Starbucks; red cup, white cup or green cup. I do not discriminate what color or decoration my cup is adorned with just as long as it's served in a cup and not in my bare hands, ja feel.  Once we get our caffeine fix we usually head home to do some laundry, a project that is taking longer than usual or off to brunch for a few hours. Some days we take naps and watch Netflix and other days we run a bajillion errands that no human could ever do with two kids in tow.

Then there are the nights we manage to snag a wonderful family member to watch the boys and we can sneak away for a bit.

For Halloween, Jerek's mom and dad had a grand kids 'No parents allowed Halloween party' so we all dropped and ditched the kids as fast as we could. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, us or the boys! Side note, I can't help but smile and laugh and Emry's face! He was not having picture time! Then there's Sky who is always stealing stuff from my purse, don't worry my 2 year old does NOT eat gum!

You might have seen my photo on Instagram of Jerek and I here but while the boys ran a muck at grammy and grampys we were invited to a Murder Mystery dinner over at the Eastpointe Manner. I have always wanted to go to one and after reading Helene's post I was even more intrigued! While we walked in Jer whispered  'they better not pick on me to do anything, I really don't want to be involved.' womp womp womp! He really should know better because you can't say that and really think you won't be picked to participate, because he totally did.

If you've never been to one I highly suggest finding one in an area, it was a blast! The one we went to was a wedding theme, how appropriate and fun right! I think I was expecting there to be a stage but the actors were mixed in with the other guests walking around, so it was fun to see who was actually involved as the night went on. I'm pretty sure the women picked at our table to be a suspect lived for this shit, because she threw out an accent and acted the part too well if you ask me!

Between the three course meal there were scenes and clues given, everyone was encouraged to get up and talk to the other tables to try and figure out the murder! Since it was a wedding theme each table was told to right one vow and the groom would read it at the alter, i.e: in front of the audience. You would have thought it was a bunch of teenagers because things like "des nuts!" and "big schlongs" and "I will not sleep with any more hookers" were definitely vows spoken, it was great!

At the end of the night our table did guess who it was and why they did it but we didn't go into as much detail as the table that won so we 'lost', yes I'm a sore loser!

After everything was over we headed back to scoop the boys off and head home. Many thanks to the Murder Mystery Co for forcing us to leave our trusty couch and Netflix for the night, it was so fun and well worth putting a bra on! Don't forget to check out the other shows here.

1 comment

  1. Oh wow that seems like fun. I've heard of those things before but wasn't sure if they would be any good. Actually i wasn't sure i'd be any good at solving anything ha!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away
