After the wedding


It's been awhile since we last spoke, sorry bout that! As you may have seen from the last post, IE: 20 days ago, I was off to get murried! Yes, I spelt that wrong so you would hopefully pronounce it like I do when Jerek and I talk.


Back to the point.

I mentioned before leaving the best way to see any photos or videos would be on Snapchat or on Instagram ( both are @eastwillowgrove) so if you joined me in the adventures there you would have seen all the fun and amazing cocktails we were drinking, the beautiful sunsets, Skylor being sassy and the selfie that Jerek asked to take at the alter in his vows. In case you're wondering, that's why I married him. I mean HE ASKED ME TO TAKE A SELFIE AT THE ALTER PEOPLE!!!! This man is a dream boat I tell ya! (If you haven't seen it go take a peak. There's a photobomber in the background) :)

Things around here and my Youtube channel have been quieter than I'd like over the last year. I've had dreams, ideas and plans for both outlets but planning a destination wedding, raising kids, working full-time and trying to maintain a house have been exhausting. Never mind the fact trying to fit in date nights, snuggles with the kids and time at the gym took up so much of my brain that some of these ideas and plans were put on hold. 

That is until now. Now my brain is about 40% freed up! No really, it is. I swear half my brain was consumed with wedding things most days. I was constantly looking up bridal gifts, researching flight options, shopping for shorts, ties and shirts. There were fake flowers to buy for crowns and boutonnieres, shoes to find in secret bins at Marshalls, makeup looks to Pin and tears to cry over all of it.

Wedding planning wasn't this ideal fun planning sesh for me, it was work and it took up a lot of my time, time I wanted to be spending filming or photographing my family. It was time spent on lunch breaks where I'd ask Elyse what appetizer she thought people would rather eat. I sent pictures of shoes to my mom while I sat on a bench in DSW alone thinking is this really important, does this really even matter?

All the stress and planning was worth it though. I never understood when people said that because wedding planning wasn't this thing I looked forward to like 99% of the women in this world. I never really dreamt what my wedding would look like but if I ever did, it was 99% better than I ever thought it would have been!

I will share more wedding photos once my wonderful and talented photographer Jenny, of Monroe Fox Photography, sends them my way. But you can't tell from the sneak peaks though, they are breath taking! [You can see all of Jennys work on her Facebook page or website ]


I can't wait to share all the details, planning and stories that lead up to the big day but for now I'll leave you with a hi, hello, I'm back, with SO much planned, so stay tuned!!! Love you guys!