Happy 3rd Blogiversary East Willow Grove


The title is a lie, I'm sorry. September 26th was my official 3 year blogiversary. You're like, right Chelsea, that was almost 3 weeks ago, COOL. Like a lot of things in life, I'm late chatting about them! My excuse? I was high up in the sky trying to throw back a couple cocktails and not have my children climb all over the plane at 10pm on Sep 26. You can watch the whole video here! Who thought a red eye with kids was a good idea?

This last year has been a fun and wild ride! Last year I wanted to make a few wishes, hopes or just throw some good energy out into the universe and hope things would pan out. Here they were from last years post:

"My hopes for this next year on East Willow Grove are big. I want to travel more and showcase these adventures near and far with the boys. To post more outfit ideas from a mom's eye view and display looks for less. I want to archive milestones while commemorating the everyday happenings on video through my YouTube channel. I want to shoot more weddings, births of new babies and time spent with loved ones."

It's safe to say that what you put out in the universe will come back to you. We traveled more this year then we have in the last few years and have already been making plans for 2017! I've kept up with my capsule wardrobe and have been sharing more outfits on my Instagram (& stories). Along with I've extended my Etsy shop to a full online clothing store; East + Willow! I've been capturing the everyday life through video and shooting a ton more weddings and am now booking into 2017 and even 2018!

I've met so many amazing people through blogging I wish I would have started sooner, isn't that most things in life! Here is the year 1 recap and here is the year 2 recap. On to year 3 but not without some new wishes, hopes and dreams!

So here we go! 

This next year on East Willow Grove, I still want to continue to travel, even more than we have this year; with kids and without. It's important to do things without your kids, to keep your relationship alive and prospering! I'm hoping to bring baby news here, praying to be honest. I want to take my editing to a new level, to really learn Final Cut Pro and from other videographers and to hopefully collaborate. Lastly I want to do so much more with the store! To showcase real everyday moms in the clothing, do pop up shops in the area and to expand it, in whatever way I see possible!

Cheers to another beautiful year here online thanks for reading and watching along with me!


  1. I've been following your blog for a little while now and just have to say that you are so motivating! I have a full time job and a 3 yr old and have NO idea how you do it! I also placed my 1st order through your Etsy Shop and got my bf and adorable "House of Boys" t-shirt that she absolutely LOVED!!! So thanks! And stay motivated! It keeps some of us going too!

    1. You're SO sweet! I recognized your name when the t-shirt order came through! So glad your friend loved the shirt!

  2. Happy Blogiversary to one of my favorite blogs! I've loved following along with all of your adventures in motherhood, travel, and fashion! Your store is absolutely adorable and I can't wait to see where you take it. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

  3. Yay! Happy blogiversary! Such a great milestone! So looking forward to more great posts! :)
