London, Paris and New York City

london-paris-new york city

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to focus on the next big and exciting thing...

Family Euro trip 2017!

If you watched any of the Vlogmas videos you've probably heard me mention we are going on a trip but I haven't really said where, when or why, so lets do this!

WHERE: London, Paris and NYC!
WHEN: March 21-April 2
WHY: Do you really need to have a reason to travel?! If so though, have you read the 2017 goals post yet? Travel is one of the top things on it and this is the trip I hinted at there! Celebrating life by more traveling and less giving of "things" is what I really want to focus more on.. Experiences trump ALL. Every time. No matter what.

Jerek's golden birthday is March 31st, he'll be 31 ;) and our first wedding anniversary is April 5th! Since this will most likely fall on Spring Break time we didn't want to really travel then as flights are ridiculous every where you go. So we decided to get out of town and head to Europe for 2 weeks prior and celebrate. 

We've been talking, planning and stalking the flights for a while now. Since all the flights and trains are now booked I feel like I can finally put it out there since it's happening. We're so so excited!

On Christmas we gave the boys the Passport covers and told them the plans and where we were going. I didn't really get the reaction I wanted but hey, it was Christmas and some plastic passport covers mean nothing to a 3 and 6 year old! Tracen is getting more excited as we talk about it and just like Mexico, the closer we get to the trip, the more build up and anticipation they will show. Ekk!!!

Over the next few months I'll spill some travel tips and tricks on saving money and how we are flying from Toronto to London to Paris to NYC to Detroit all for under $600 a person so stay tuned!

Here is where I need your help though! I'm starting to look at Airbnb's to book and it's crazy overwhelming! Like where is a good location to stay at. Is it walking distance to things, by the Metro, kid friendly, etc. SO! If you have been to London or Paris, lived there or are just bored at work, please leave any and all recommendations on Airbnb's or not insanely expensive hotels for either location! 

Feel free to also leave any comments on where to go, what to see, places to eat, things we DON'T need to do that sometimes people think you need to, etc!


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