It's no secret that I wear a ton of neutrals. It's easy and timeless and if we're honest, people tend to not notice how many times I wear the same black jeans all week. Or maybe you do, but who cares! Unlike a bright red blazer, neutrals can be worn over and over while mixing it up to create many different outfits.


I did a whole year of capsule wardrobes but have since stopped (more to come on that later) but I still try to be very intentional with my purchases. This is why neutrals are a big part of my life. Wearing neutrals doesn't mean you have to wear a black tee and jeans everyday; but by all means, do it if you'd like to!

I have a collection of basic, simple neutral tops that I rotate and layer every day. However I'm trying to find a few pieces that while still neutral, add something more to the outfit. This is where ruffles come in.


I'm not a the girliest girl, but I've been dying over these big sleeves and ruffles trend that I see popping up everywhere. I've put together some super simple, yet comfortable, outfits that can be worn running errands with kids, to the office and even on a night out; even if nights away from the kids are far and few! Some of the hardest times as a mom are when I st don't feel good about myself. Freshening up my wardrobe with pieces I can wear at home, to work or a night out can sometimes brighten up my mood in the strangest way!

Hope you like the looks as there is a little something for everyone! Are you loving ruffles too or is there a certain trend you're totally drawn too?

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