
We are back stateside from our 2 week European family trip and I'm feeling super refreshed! I love nothing more than coming back from a trip and feeling like a new women. My ideas and inspiration buckets are crazy full right now and I feel like I'm bursting at the seams with what is to come here at East Willow Grove (the blog and YouTube channel) and over at the shop; East + Willow!

This trip was a special one, it was to celebrate Jerek's golden birthday, 31 on March 31st. It was to celebrate our first year of marriage, it was to celebrate family and love and life in general. This last year has really flown by and many amazing things have happened. We've grown as a couple and as a family sharing ups and downs, tears and laughter. You hear so often that the first year is often the hardest. I went into this first year thinking we've been together for 13 how hard could this year be.

This first year of marriage I spent so much time and energy into tracking and testing my ovulation. Month after month I got disappointed and when Christmas came around and I ran out of ovulation tests I told myself I was done obsessing. Done tracking, done putting things on hold because what if I get pregnant. In November I told Jerek I was booking this trip and if I was pregnant when we went great, if not, then I can frolic through Europe drinking cocktails with him. There was no more schedules to follow because an app or pee stick gave me a positive sign.

So we did just that. Frolicked and cheers'd and laughed and argued and got lost for two weeks all together, mostly because I can't read a map to save my damn life! I realize that trying to get pregnant for a year is really nothing compared to many, so forgive me if I sound like a prick. I'm so grateful for the two amazing kids I have and if we have another I'd be ecstatic, but I'm done letting it control my life or relationship.

This year we got married in beautiful sunny Mexico with close friends and family surrounding us. We went on a kids-less getaway to Nashville just us two shortly after. We spent many days on the boat with our sister and brother in law. We celebrated many birthdays and Sky managed to break his leg this summer but we got through it! We spent time in Denver with family and rang in the New Year with friends. We cried over death and fought about money. I'm sure there were nights I went to bed angry or didn't say I love you. However, through it all, there was so much to smile and laugh about and if they say the first year is the hardest, than bring on a 100 more.

Happy anniversary Jer, my beautiful beach angel XO

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