Summer Hair

I've been growing my hair out for years now. Years, I tell ya. 
Every summer I complain and threaten to chop it off 
{herehere and here are 
some of my inspirations I long for}
I then come back to earth and just put my hair up.
you don't have to just throw it up into a pony.
Here is my favorite hair style for the summer.
or for when you don't wash your hair for three days.
Whatever you want to tell people.

It's taken me some practice to perfect it. 
My hairdresser even asked me how I did it!
{mad skills}
I owe all of my braiding skills to Youtube.
No really.
Jerek has walked into the bathroom while 
I'm playing videos over and over and over
just to get a damn fishtail, dutch or
reverse french braid right.
I took this video and altered it
to look more like a dutch girl's hair style. 
Although I actually have too much hair 
{crazy right}
that this would work best 
if you have collar bone length.
I attempted a video 
but hair tutorials are just not my thing!

{photos were taken after working a full day so it gets a lot looser through out the day} 

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