March Goals

February is such a slump I tell ya. Everyone I know is so over the snow, the winter and the wearing a bajillion layers, myself included. I knew I might be setting myself up for failure for even making February goals but alas, I did and here is a recap!

1. Make German Flash Cards: DONE! I know I said I wanted to make these myself but I also always like to bite off more than I can chew. I turned to my girl Google and guess what I found...a GOLDMINE!!! I found some great websites with TONS of German flashcards and worksheets and goodies all in it! Here, here and here if you are interested as well! I'm so excited to get Tracen going on these I can't even tell you! I'm hoping Sky picks things up since he copies EVERYTHING Tracen does! I'm now on the hunt for some German cartoons so they will start hearing it more and more! They learn so much from Dora and Kai Lan already I know some German shows will be great!
2. Find a class for the kids to join: I started looking into this and then I got distracted and stopped. I really want to get Tracen signed up for soccer but I might have missed the cutoff, I'll have to check back into it.
3. Do taxes: DONE! In fact we Jerek did them on Feb 2 and we got all our money back by Feb 16th I believe! We've paid off some bills, are using a teeny tiny portion for the kitchen refresh {stay tuned!} and chucked about 90% of it in the wedding savings account.

March will be a fun one and hopefully a productive one! I'm going to attempt 4 goals this month so here we go!

1. Plan Jerek's birthday- I love Jerek's birthday more than my own for the simple fact that I love surprising him and doing things that he wouldn't normally do. We have big plans for his 30th next year so I know this year won't be as wild but I'm trying to iron out a few details and hopefully it will all work out, fingers crossed!

2. Step up my gym game- I didn't want to put a "loose 10 lbs" as the title because I've always said it's NEVER about the number and more how I look and feel and that is still true. But with these last two months being busy and effing freezing, sticking to my three days of gym schedule sometimes has been two or even just one. I want to step it up. If I don't make it to the gym than I MUST do a 30 minute kettle ball class on Youtube in the basement, or I MUST do lunges while watching a 30 minute Kai Lan episode that makes me want to pluck my eyeballs out. Or shoot, I HAVE P90x and Jillian Michaels DVD's, I could always do that! Never the less, step my game up and hopefully by doing so I'll start seeing the results that I want. Also, I just bought a new bathing suit top that makes the girls look killer! I want to get my tummy and butt in shape so then I can wear said bathing suit.

3. Finish kitchen refresh- This means the paint, tile, cabinets, curtains, everything. I want everything done by March 31st. That puts a lot of pressure on Jer really but we've he's been doing really good and I know as long as we keep the momentum going we can do it!

4. Clean the upstairs carpets- Jerek's aunt gave us a carpet cleaning machine before they moved so we really have zero excuse but if you asked me I could tell you at LEAST 10. I really want to do a big spring cleaning but I figured lets start with the thing I want to do the least, so that's where the carpet cleaning came in!

Here's to hoping all four things happen before St Patties day ;)


  1. Great jobs on your goals for last month! Good luck this month!

  2. That bikini is gorgeous!!!! :) Get that sweat on, girl!

  3. yayy for getting $ back from taxes!! The bathing suit top is cute! a kitchen remodel would be so exciting!! Stressful but exciting! Ha!

  4. Ugh. Maybe I should make some goals specific to March and post them on my blog. MAYBE!

  5. Nice job on your February goals! Good luck with March, looking forward to seeing your recap :)
