February Favorites

February has treated us well despite the shortness it brings every year. The weather here is still colder than Alaska {maybe?} but the sun is starting to rise earlier by the day! Que my happy dance because my seasonal depression can't handle much more of this. I heard on the radio the other day that the DJ would prefer all the snow we had last year in place of these below freezing temps. I beg to differ. Also, why don't the lovely people in the south know how to drive when they get an inch of snow on the ground? You drive slower, more cautious and you turn your windshield wipers on often. It's like everyone in the southern states are 12 year olds and have never driven a car?


This past month I've noticed I'm gravitating towards routines even more than usual. From showering to moisturizing, to what I eat at lunch, drink at night, to what I'm wearing on my face everyday. Routines drive my everyday existence, I LIVE for a good routine, a list of steps to follow to get from point A to point B. It's almost like an insurance that you WILL have clean teeth, you WILL be caffeinated by 8 am, you WILL have a damn good manicure!

From all of these routines I've pulled some of my favorite things {who else started singing that song??!!} perhaps you love them just as much or maybe you've found something to purchase on Amazon on your lunch break. I know I'm not the only one who does this!

While I've thrown in my favorite products from this month I decided to add in my favorite blog and Youtube channel at the moment. Katie recently moved back from Chicago to the mitten and also  bought a house she's been renovating so I am always waiting for her next home update! And Claire, oh Claire, she is a MASTER with editing. Her videos are AUH mazing! Watch her 'what's in my bag' video here and you'll see why I can't get enough of her!

Stay warm! XX


  1. I need much more routine in my life! I try try try but seem to find myself taking too big of steps. Maybe baby steps into simpler routines will make me form these habits!? Happy weekend!

    1. I LIVE for structure! Can be a good or bad thing! Start small and remember it takes 30 days of doing something to make it a habit/routine, happy weekend too :)

  2. Tell me more about toothy tabs ..?

    1. They are amazing Leah! My gf told me about them and I will never use regular tooth paste again! I've had many people compliment that my teeth look whiter (and I haven't been whitening them!) but apparently the toothy tabs whiten while you brush. They are organic and have tons of different flavors! I def recommend them :) A little weird at first (you mash them in between your front teeth and then start brushing) but very cool! Let me know if you try them-

  3. I can definitely use a lot more routine in my life. Tell me your secrets! ;D

    1. Start with one aspect of your life and go from there! Something that will be easy to do as well and keep at it :)

  4. My sister just moved to Michigan from California and she keeps telling me how the adjustment is really interesting. But I'm all about routines too girl, especially helps with the babe and making things run smoothly!

    1. I'm hopping she moved for a job because I'm not sure that sounds entirely sane of her to do such a thing! Leave warm sunny Cali for the tundra that is Michigan right now, NO THANKS! Where did she move to here, I'm always up for some new friends :)

  5. You're the best!! I need to get another house update up soon, I just can't believe how flippin long everything is taking! Such a process to re-do and decorate a house, haha. Only 18 days til spring ;)
