Lusting for Spring

The spring in Michigan is a glorious time of year. It restores peoples trust in this great state that there is always a light at the end of a very dark, dreary and cold winter tunnel. It's also the time where shopping gets the best of me. I tend to want/buy more for spring and fall then I do for summer and winter. I think this is because Spring and Fall are the seasons where the hot and the cold overlap. Where it's acceptable to wear shorts with sweatshirts at night by a glowing bonfire and it's the norm to wear a light jacket with sheer tank by day.

As it seems to have been light years since I graduated Laker territory, my wardrobe has moved on as well. My nights out are no longer spent toasting to finishing semesters with a $2 bud light on special from McFaddens. They usually are spent on the couch with take away and Netflix and I've probably removed my bra and makeup by then. BUT when I do go out on a Friday or Saturday night, assuming I don't fall asleep while getting ready, it's usually out for dinner, to catch a movie, or to celebrate someones birthday in which we have to schedule a babysitter in advance.

Over the years my wardrobe has drastically changed, for the better I would say. Since my paychecks are going towards car payments, a mortgage, utilities and daycare I'm now more than ever trying to invest in pieces that will last longer than a night out at the bar celebrating a 21st birthday. 

Since moving I've been weeding out items in my closet that are just not needed, no longer fit or scream I'm a college 21 year old, we all know what those pieces look like. I've been trying to adapt to more of a quality over quantity mentality. Buying items where I think I'll wear them in more than one way and that transition well into different seasons. With every new piece purchased I'm trying to do the one in, one out rule. If a new item comes in I either sell or donate a piece from my closet, the same goes for shoes.

These are five items I'm dying to move into my closet to spice up my "I'm a working mommy of two that likes to brunch, eat Mexican and watch Netflix with my fiance" wardrobe. I have many different visions for each of these pieces that I really hope I can scoop them up. I'll keep you updated if they come my way, and hopefully they do, and with a major sale sticker attached to them!


  1. hello mexican, netflix and fashion! great picks- i just bought a knock off pair of navy chucks at wal-mart for $12.99 ♥ and what a cool bra! love it. thanks for sharing!
