Secret Project Reveal : House of Boys

After months of planning around work and family schedules I finally got everything situated and it's finally here! A goal of mine in May was to go all in on a project I had been working on. So here we go folks!
t shirt etsy store
{Yes, those are knee pads, Tracen REFUSES to take them off}

I've mentioned recently that I love a great tee paired with jeans. Sometimes I can look more put together wearing this type of outfit than I can in a dress. As a mom I have to make a conscious effort to make time for myself because life can get hectic and I know I feel much better when I do. I also need to realize that I usually end up with boogers, milk and food all over me by the end of the day due to the boys so I try to find a mix of comfort and cute. That's why jeans and a tee are a go to for me, but I'm not looking for just any tee, fruit of the loom will just not do.
A while back I was telling Jer how I had all these ideas for T-Shirts, that I wished the cute graphic tee's you see in stores weren't so expensive, so we started talking. He's always been my biggest cheerleader, so when I started talking designs, types of shirts, style and printing he was there right with me telling me I should do it. After months of getting quotes for screen printing myself or with another company,  I went with working with a company but designed everything myself. I'm also the shipping, receiving, marketing, packaging and admin person, you get the drift.
etsy t shirts
{SIDE NOTE: look at the photographer in my glasses, he's SUCH a babe!}
For months you've probably seen me hashtag #houseofboys and this was why! I'm sorry in advance that but I'm not trying to dismiss the families that have boys and girls, I just haven't come up with a creative shirt for them yet! To me there's something unique about having a house full of boys or girls and it takes a strong man/women to raise twins so I started with these, I hope you mama's with both understand. Don't worry though, I have a plan to incorporate you too, I have a notebook full of different ideas, sayings, and styles that will be making it into the store in the future so stay tuned!
To see the other shirts you can shop here at East + Willow and take a look around! If you have any questions, comments or if there is a shirt but you want a different size feel free to email me and we will get a custom order going. Lastly, like I've done in the past, if you live in the Detroit area and would like to save on shipping use coupon code 'METRODETROIT' and we can arrange pick up. Or fly me out to where ever you live I'll personally hand deliver your shirt and we can have a glass of wine together!

I'm excited for these shirts and the other items that will be popping up in the shop!



  1. Umm I like theast option for shipping!! Love these shirts! :) if I have another little gal I'm definitely ordering! Xo congrats!

  2. Such a great idea! t-shirts and jeans are a must. I'm going to try and talk my husband into getting me one of these for when our next little guy gets here. This would be fun to wear in a pic with them for our newborn photos :) ~Sierra Winks and Eyerolls

  3. They are so cute and I LOVE his knee pads!!! Adorable. Have a great weekend

  4. Hey chels!! My house of 3 girls, a set of twins included love your ideas i Will be watching for comfy shirts that fit my role :-)
