Back to School- First day of Pre-K

Holy cow. Trace starts Pre-K and my nephew starts Kindergarten tomorrow, shits gone mad!

If you missed Tracen's first day of preschool here it is and the last day of preschool is here.

I can't believe how fast time is flying. I feel like I'm going to blink and he'll be in 3rd grade. Begging to stay over at his friends house and not have pizza party Friday with us. I've said it before but I'm really happy that his birthday is in December and he's not starting Kindergarten this year. He wouldn't be ready and neither would I.


The pictures below are from this last year. Last year at this time Tracen was crying in my arms at school, begging me not to leave, pleading me to stay home with him and just 'play.' I remember crying when I left last year, explaining to Jer that I don't know how it's going to get better. That I'm never going to get to work on time and that my heart is always going to ache because of how bad I felt every Monday and Friday leaving him. But it got better. Every day got better. And some days were even spectacular even. Days that when he jumped into my car he couldn't stop talking about Henry, Eli and Marco. How he got to go outside TWO times that day and had ice cream for afternoon snack.  Trace has transformed his whole outlook of daycare/school now, while he still dreads leaving us in the morning he's made friends and is learning SO much!

Tomorrow I'll be on a plane headed to Charlotte, North Carolina for work for the next three days. I'll be up and gone before anyone is getting ready for school and work. I'll be sneaking out of our bed from the foot of it, this way I don't disturb the man on the left, Jerek, and the boy on the right, Tracen. I'll sneak into Sky's room and stare at him in the dark and whisper I love you, I'll be back soon and give him a kiss on his forehead while I slip out into the dark somber morning, headed towards Metro Detroit airport.

I'm missing the first day of Pre-K for Trace and also his first soccer practice. (I had to take these pictures Friday because I didn't want to leave that up to Jerek. No offense Jer, you're great and all, I'm just a freak of nature and didn't want to have to send you a bajillion texts asking if you took pictures and if they were good.)



I know there will more practices and more first day's of school but deep inside me I feel bad. It's not something I could help really, it's just part of my job and the project's I'm working on right now, but I feel bad. I know Trace won't remember it years down the road but but the whole time I'm gone I will.


If you're little ones are starting school or even daycare today, good luck, that shit is hard! 


  1. I've been following your blog/vlog for a few months now and I just want to say that you have such a beautiful family and seem like a really great mom!

    1. Thanks Joanna that's so so sweet, I'm pretty partial to them myself ;)

  2. Awwww, he looks so excited!
