Father's Day Gift Ideas

I like to think that every day is Mother and Father’s day but Hallmark likes to remind us that we get one damn day a year and the rest belongs to the kids, or some national cupcake, pancake, talk like a pirate day.


I won’t lie to you and say that I tell Jerek every day I’m grateful for him but I try my very best to do so! Some days he gets yelled at in a hormonal rage that he isn't doing enough and other days I’m squeezing him so hard because he’s been doing it all.

I'm a real physco over here.
But most days we tag team that shit.

These past [I wanna say 9 months at least] he’s been THE ultimate dad though. I've been away from the home more than I ever have since becoming a mom; whether I'm traveling for work, traveling for fun, shooting weddings or taking lash appointments, he’s been running that parenting job like a fucking boss...all while managing a team at work and working overtime. Find yourself a Jerek and you will live a happy life. BIBLE.

We recently went to Nashville for a belated surprise 30th birthday trip so I’m trying to tame myself from showering him in some big gift weeks later. Although he deserves the entire world I like to think I give him that though; the boys and I are his entire world aren't we?

Narcissist much Chelsea?

If you’re anything like me and belong to a mom group on Facebook because you have no idea how to raise these little hellions and need the support of others to do so you might have posted something along the lines of “HELP! Need Father’s Day ideas, STAT!”

This was me last week and these women are the best when asking for help! So if this is you too then I have some great ideas for you. This way you don’t need to post that same cry for help and people will just think you have your shit together.

Because you do.


Other ideas include tickets for a surprise getaway, whether it's local or far away it's something to get excited about and look forward to. This also goes for concert tickets, a race or movie tickets, something he's talked about but maybe wouldn't buy for himself. A pack of golf balls and a new glove paired with a round of golf usually are a great gift for most men. Or you can buy them a new bag and tell them to leave you alone for a few hours early in the morning and go golf! A win win in my book really.

A roll of quarters and a car wash kit would make Jerek's day, he likes to keep black Betty nice and clean, me on the other hand wash my car about twice a year. For the traveler, a new passport case and coffee mug to take along to work or on a new adventure is very affordable. Or if your feelin spendy and know you guys are going on a vacation soon you could always get a him a new camera which really you would just end up calling it your own if you want.

Underwear and socks are always needed in my house; I think Jer still has underwear from 8th grade that I fold from time to time. Also, who wears matching socks anymore? Our dryer at one point was eating them by the load so I always throw these into Christmas, birthday and Fathers day gifts.

The most obvious gift not pictured is letting them sleep in (with NO nagging) and making a meal for them. Showing your baby daddy that you care about them through food is something I think everyone enjoys! It doesn't have to cost a ton either. Or if cooking isn't your thing, you could go grab donuts and coffee from their favorite place, have the kids make a homemade card and serve them in bed. BOOM, easy peasy!

Hopefully I saved you time and energy and gave you some ideas for the upcoming weekend! And if your man is wowed by your excellent choice in gift, no need to thank me, it can be our little secret!

x Chels