September Goals

September guys, IT'S SEPTEMBER!!! Lets cut to the chase and recap the August goals. {oui!}

1. Finish Kayla Itsines workout- Gahhhh! I'm pretty bummed to say I haven't. I would love to tell you I've been doing other work outs to compensate but I'd be one big fat liar! I have started running again because the marathon is less than 8 weeks away! Operation #getbackontrack is a thing and I will begin and finish the 12 week course...sometime this year. ha! That's a good thing right? riighhttt....

2. Family Pictures/Skylor 1 year pictures-They are booked, that counts right?? September 21st. Now I have a little less than a month to figure outfits out and make sure that no kid has a black eye before hand. Pray for me on the black eye part because I'll need it with these two crazy boys!

3. Bike Rides- Jerek legit just installed the seat to my bike this past week and we've gone on a couple rides. So it happen, just a little later than we were hoping. Both Tracen and Sky love sitting behind me and we switch them off from the trailer and the bike seat between the two. If we didn't do the switch half way through Trace would throw a fit and tell us were not sharing. #toddlerprobs

4. Run- Again, I just started back up. I'm actually getting excited for the marathon! {Reminder, I'm running 1 of 5 legs, the longest at 6.4 miles. Didn't want you to think I'm running the actual whole thing or something!}

5. No booze- THIS, THIS GUYS, THIS HAPPEN!!!! Out of all 5 goals I was the most nervous about this one and this was the only one I 100% kept!? I had some pretty awful nights, mornings and weekends where I just wanted a glass of wine to unwind but I didn't! I told Jerek I bet some people are thinking I'm pregnant and I'm using this as a way for no one to ask me why I'm not drinking. Rest assured, I celebrated this long weekend with a mighty hangover today. {Not cool} No bun in this little boy making oven...for now ;)

I'm going back to three goals this month because making 5 and keeping them is hard work! So for the month of September, here are the next three up. PS. how adorable are these two?!?!?!

1. Sign up for mom2mom sale/have garage sale- So I have been going through kids stuff {and house stuff} and really getting things ready for a mom2mom and/or garage sale and/o selling stuff on ebay, Facebook groups, etc. We have a lot of stuff and even if we want to have another little one in the future I have plenty that I'm saving. Plus after two kids, poo explosions, projectile vommiting and lots of washing, some of this stuff is just donzo and needs to be tossed! So I need to get rid of and sell stuff to make room for whatever other crap we bring into this house this year. Plus who wouldn't like some extra cash money, ya know!

2. Meal Plan- This needs to be a thing again. With the cold weather coming I love using my crockpot and smelling all the warmness that comes from that thing when I walk in the door. Plus my commute is hella long in the fall/winter months so coming home to a easy peasy meals is just what I need! And our wallet needs to be put in check with these boys eating everything I buy in the first 4 days!

3. Paint living room- Guys, this should be super simple but I'm actually worried it might not happen this month! I really want to get this room painted and decorated since we spend so much time in it. We've made other rooms/things priorities {which we should} but I want this done. {wink wink Jer!} Plus for the first time in four years, we will be hosting Christmas for my mom's side of the family and I just want to get it painted since we Jer ripped the carpet out everywhere! It's the finishing touch that we need.

So these seem relatively easy this month but they are things I REALLY need to get done/start working on. So the pressure is on Chelsea! I will also be running/training for the marathon but it seemed silly to make that a goal again as I have to do it anyways! It's NUTS that it's already September! I started these goals as New Years Goals and I'm pretty proud of myself for at least attempting them every month. Cheers to another month!

|| As fall is beginning and I recently added advertising on East Willow Grove I'm offering 40% off all ads with the coupon code 'ILOVEFALL' entered at check out. That's kind of a huge deal guys! Take advantage of it before September ends.||

Andddd if you can't get enough of me, us, the boys, here is the vlog from this past weekend. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Good bye summer, hello you beautiful fall beach angel! I can't wait to prance around in plaid! 


  1. Great job on your goals! You definitely made progress even if you didn't complete all of them! I'm kinda hesitant to make goals for September because you know, baby and all that. Once we get into a routine I'm sure I'll go back to my obsessive planning self, but for now it just doesn't seem to make sense to do that!

    1. Yeah I totally agree! Plus you'll only get yourself stressed out if you set goals this pregnant and don't "meet" them. How about, have a baby in September goal, bet that will work out justttt fine ;) Ekk, he's gonna be here so soon!
