Summer Recap + Oh Hey Friday

I know I know, last Friday I talked about how excited I was for the Fall and this week I'm recapping summer. I often get excited about something that I obsess over it and forget that anything else is even possible to exist in life. Okay, that sounds dramatic but you get my drift.

Last summer I was either MEGA pregnant or was a new mother of two and it was all very overwhelming to be frank. I was scared out of my mind to leave the house with two kids. Scared to sleep more than a foot away from my newborn. Scared that I wouldn't loose the baby weight.

I have obviously left the house and Sky now sleeps in his crib just fine. Loosing all the baby weight is another story for a different day. One when I am brave, today I'm not that brave and I'll just talk about how bombdiggity this summer was! 

In order to do this I picked my 5 favorite moments from the summer and am linking up with Karli & Amy! If you missed my guest post over on Karli's page here it is for your viewing pleasure! Without further mumble jumble, I give you my 5 top moments of Summer 2014!

1. Lake St. Clair Metropark- This was a recent little day trip that we took a few weeks ago and I keep thinking about it! I'm really contemplating heading there again since we have a 4-day weekend coming up!

2. Port Huron Beach- This was a little bit of a drive for us and we kinda sorta go 'turned around' ie: LOST {not my fault!} on the way home but the scenic route was a nice touch to such a fun day on the beach. This beach wasn't our favorite from the summer because it was pretty rocky but it was so nice to get out of town and escape for the day that it didn't matter!

3. My 28th Birthday-My actual birthday was spent at work and then at home, grilling and swinging with the boys, just how I like it! The weekend before was nothing crazy, I just requested that we go to dinner and grab a drink. All I wanted was to be with our favorite couple and be kids free! Tyler and I also acted like children and posed for pictures on top of blocks pushed together in a pyramid in downtown Detroit. Yolo bitches!

4. Skylor's 1st Birthday- It's crazy to think that last year I was a wobbling whale wearing grandma moo-moos. No really, I basically wore the same 5 outfits through out the week and laid out in our back yard in a sports bra and granny panties to sunbathe. I'm a hot mess I tell ya.  Fast forward a year later and my like Sky Sky is 1!We had family and friends over for a "ice cream social" themed first birthday and it was a ton of fun!

5. Troy Aquatic Center- This was the most recent family outing we had, last Saturday in fact! We'd been hearing about this place for a while now and it's not too far of a drive. After 5pm they cut the price in half {or something like that} so we went for a few hours for the twilight special to try it out. The place is total family zone and amazeballs! There were places to layout at, a nice concession stand, kidding pool & slide, big kid/adult water slides and an Olympic size zero entry pool {I think that is what it's called!} plus a splash pad and really nice restrooms/changing rooms! There is also, beach volley ball, a HUGE sandbox and a jungle gym. Needless to say it was a blast and we will be back! Sadly, after this weekend they close down for the season, but I did see on the website that they have an indoor portion! {Hello winter time when you need to wear your kids out!}

Well, there you have it guys! I basically am here to tell you that we need to sell our house and move closer to the water {and a big city.} It seems that this is where we enjoy being together the most! What do you say Jer ;)


  1. Looks like you've had a great summer with your adorable family!

  2. What great pictures! What a fun summer!!

  3. Looks like you had a great summer!! I think having a newborn in the summer months would be so difficult!!

    1. It was easy in the fact that I wore him a lot and he just slept but a handful at the same time, if that makes any sense haha

  4. Looks like it was an awesome summer! Love the downtown picture and I was laughing at how little Skylor looks in the very first picture compared to the giant Starbucks cup!! So funny! Enjoy your long weekend :)

    1. Oh girl, trenta cups were the best thing Starbucks has ever come up with! That and PSL & americano's haha Enjoy YOUR long weekend and good luck on the moveee :)

  5. What a fun day at the beach! The summer is not complete without a few days spent on the beach :)

    1. Yes yes! The one thing I'll miss about the fall coming :/
