Oh Hey Friday || All Things Fall + Giveaway

Lets be honest with ourselves here. It's August 22nd and I live in Michigan.
This past winter was one of the worst winters yet.
I could go back to all the Facebook post from January and show you the feet of snow people posted but there is really no need to remind ourselves of that nonsense.

What I do need to remind you of is that Fall is JUST around the corner. No really, like if you look around the corner at Starbucks, there are pumpkin spice lattes being prepped and scarf wearing people working on their laptops. It's a glorious thing really!

Fall is my favorite season. I don't do cold well and I don't do sweltering hot either. The spring in Michigan is bullshit to put it lightly, but the fall, the fall is AMAZING. With the leaves starting to change and the beanies and boots preparing for their arrival there is a smell in the air that I can't help but love. I know, I know, I'm rushing summer out of the house like she was a bad bootay call but Fall is my JAM!
So what do we do on Fridays {besides eat Pizza!}, we link up! 
Not only am I linking up with these two wonderful ladies{Karli & Amy} BUT I'm part of a massive giveaway going on as well! So after I get your mind, body and soul all geared up for fall, pop on over to SEPTEMBER Farm and meet some new ladies, and enter to win that cash money! You can then spend it on things like Pumpkin Spice lattes, beanies and boots! Cause you know I would!

1| Nikon Monopoly 40mm Watch- this is semi unrealistic but I've been lusting after this baby for a while now. {Le sigh}

2| JC Rumble Boots-Also unrealistic, but I've wanted these for a few seasons now because they go with EVERYTHING! Contemplating that blow to the wallet though, yikesss.

3| Pumpkin Spice Latte-Figure out the code and you could get pumpkin spice latte on Aug 26 instead of Sep 2! Mark my words, I WILL figure this out!!!!

4| MK Jet Set small travel tote- Dying over neutrals lately and navy is my go to blue these days. With fall coming I ultimately carry a huge bag and this baby needs to be in my life.

5| Flannels-The least expensive clothing item on the list and the only one I've already purchased {this past weekend}. I plan on stocking my closet with a few different color variations of these. They are great for layering well into the spring even!

Conclusion? My taste is getting more expensive by the minute and my wallet is going to jump ship sooner rather than later. What is YOUR fall staple? Anything I should swap out that I would like but for a better price, I'm all ears, I do love a great deal!

Don't forget to check out the amazing amazing giveaway hosted by Karli from SEPTEMBER Farm and enter enter enter! If you win, make sure you let me know, we could like, go shopping together, maybe you could buy me a PSL? No....okay then.

soup of the day | beautiful things | p. s. my name is madeline | September FARM
east willow grove | elizabeth loves
harris heart to hearts | a life like mine
blue giraffes + concrete jungles | simply love | the farmer's wife | ribbon in the sky


  1. I love Fall as well. In New England Fall is the prettiest season. The weather is usually on point as well! I am looking forward to it but PSL are not my thing. While they are good I'd rather just have a hot caramel macchiatto.

    1. mmm I love me a good carmel mac! But for two months I love to consume my fair share amount of PSL :)

  2. I live in Wisconsin and the crisp air of fall is seriously keeping me going thru this soupy mess of humidity right now!!!

    1. I was just telling my co-worker that I'm cold {in my office} but sticky because it's hot/wet as balls outside. Not a good combo in my opinion!

  3. Those boots are seriously cute- i'm with you on wishing the price tag was a little bit lower! Love that MK bag too- you can't go wrong with navy!

    1. I legit don't know what I want more, the boots or the bag!?

  4. I live in Chicago and last winter is still so fresh in my mind, however, I am still looking forward to cooler weather and fall! I am so over this humidity, I don't even want to take my kids outside lol.

    Love that bag too- I've been drooling over MK's navy bags lately!

    1. Yes, us too! Although I hate being inside all day with nutty kids when it's freezing, I also hate sweating just to go to the park. Sigh, midwest weather for ya!

  5. Love finding Michigan bloggers! My husband and I grew up in MI and are moving back there from Chicago next weekend :) I had to laugh out loud about spring being total BS... truer words have never been spoken!!

    1. Yes yes I just read that you are! Funny you're coming back as I'm actually longing for some Chicago in my life again! Where in MI? What for? work, fam, the weather ;)
