DIY Scrapbook Paper Garland

It's no secret that I love a good DIY. I usually get the idea, tell Jerek my big plans and than watch the kids while he performs the magic {IE: our half bathroom makeover}. However, when it comes to decorating I like to do things myself, especially when it is for my dressing room. This room is one that I thought I might be able to escape to and relax in while I get ready but basically it's a boy magnet and no one ever leaves me along when I'm in there!

Since moving in we've spent time ripping out flooring, molding, and carpet. We've painted countless rooms and cabinets {more to come on that topic soon.} We've bought furniture, bedding and accessories and donated a ton as well. When it came to my dressing room I knew I wanted it to be fun and bright but calm and relaxed as well. The room isn't 100% done but it's nearly there.

This past weekend while picking and cleaning up my dressing room I noticed that the wall behind the dressers needed something. I've been eyeing some garlands on Pinterest like this and this. Instead of shelling out some cash-o-la on Etsy I went through my scrap book paper stash and picked out some patterns, textures and colors that I thought would go well with everything else in the room and started crafting.

{I realize that this probably doesn't need to be in a tutorial format as it's pretty black and white 
but there are some people that might find it useful, plus there's a video at the end! Sooo here we go!}

First I gathered up some fun scrapbook paper and twine, both which I had already had in the house. But if you don't, Michael's has a great selection of paper and you can use a 40% off coupon making it hella cheap. You will also need a quad americano because you may have gotten close to zero hours of sleep the night before.

After you trace your shapes the cutting begins. {I suggest watching your favorite reality TV show while doing so, or Peppa Pig if you no longer control the remote these days. Yes I'm using a zippy cup of Tracen's to make my circles}

For me it was easier to lay out and arrange everything so I could visually see how it would look when hanging. Remember you need to have a front and back circle so use the buddy system when laying out the circles. {Looking back, I would have ran to Michaels,  and bought a few different size circle hole punches instead of tracing and cutting these by hand but you live and you learn.}

Glue, stick twine,second circle and repeat. I did three different lengths of twice but you can do whatever your little heart desires!

I found the oversized clothes pins in the Target dollar section months ago and am finally able to use them. {Secret: that section at Target sucks you in! I buy so many things from there because I need them!} I hung the clothes pins up with common strips so they were easy to take down and change out when I want to.

So it's really that easy guys! If you are interested in seeing my ENTIRE dressing room I did a "tour" of it on my Youtube channel as well!

Happy Monday and have a great start to your week!


  1. Cute garland!! (I have SEVERAL different sizes of circle punches!!!!!!!)

  2. Every circle I cut I longed to be in your scrapbook room using those instead of my scissors!
