50 Shades of Grey : The Perfect Gray

When we first bought our house we knew we would be painting every single wall of that thing. Every room was covered in semi gloss paint with atrocious mudding work. When we started looking at paint colors all I could think about was the color gray. Did I want something more blue gray, purple gray, light gray, dark gray, gray stripes, gray chevron, gray gray gray! All I could think about was how many rooms I wanted to be gray!

Jerek informed me the house would consist of other colors besides gray. Damn him.

I might be the only women on this planet that has not read the 50 Shades of Grey series yet. I figured the movie is coming out soon so I'll just wait for that I suppose. Recently while in Ulta picking up things you pick up at Ulta, I saw a new OPI line and the colors were right up my ally. Dark, gray and very fall/winter-ish vibes were steaming from them. I didn't even look at the name until I got home but I knew I had found the perfect gray nail polish.
After returning home I went online and looked up the nail polish name because I was curious as to what collaboration this was for. OPI always teams up with great artists or performers so shouldn't be surprised on this one when I realized it was the 50 Shades of Grey collab and how cool this made me. I mean, women swoon over this Christian Grey guy, so I'm sure as soon as I painted my nails Jerek would flock to me, right?
This color is seriously the best gray I've ever owned, and I own quite a few! The colr is so opaque even after just one coat. I started with the only base coat I ever use and that's the Gelous one. Then I did two coats of the 'Embrace the Grey' to ensure a true color payoff. Following this up by my favorite and most used top coat, seche vite, I SWEAR by this stuff!

So what I'm trying to say here is get one or get ALL of the colors in this collection! Between a deep luscious red, a shimmering silver with blue sparkles and a few different shades of gray to choose from, this line really knocked my clothes socks off! Dare I say I love this color MORE than my coveted 'you don't know jacques' polish! WOAH WOAH, things just got serious here!


As for our house, you're probably wondering how many rooms have made it to the gray side right? Well so far our bedroom and half bath are gray and my dressing room is gray and white stripes. I'm still working on the other unfinished rooms in our house. I'll keep you updated as I slowly convince Jer gray is the way to go, so stay tuned.


  1. I love the looks of that entire set! I have been in a super neutral mood when it comes to painting. However, I realized that I can't have my entire house the same few shades ha ha. That and, like Jerek, John isn't down with that. I just love painting though ha ha!

  2. I'm all about the grey everything right now, too! I painted half our house in Benjamin Moore's Revere Pewter, haha. And don't worry - you aren't the last person to not have read 50 Shades of Grey, I'm right there with ya!

  3. Gray is my favorite polish and loving this one- thank you for sharing!!

  4. I was just telling Adam yesterday, if I could paint every room in our house gray, I totally would. He didn't think that was necessary, either. What's wrong with these men? haha

  5. that really is a good one. I'm so gray obsessed too. We're hiring painters for the new house and I'm pretty sure I might just go all gray.
