We'd probably be friends if...

Ever meet someone and think yup, you're my spirit animal.
Ever stalk scroll through someones Instagram and want to befriend them instantly because her outfit is on fleek {no I didn't just say that} and your kids could totes be friends.
Ever read someone else's blog and want to email them, professing your love to them, that you think the same way, laugh at the same jokes, or don't shower for the same amount of days that they don't.

If for some reason you've answered yes to any of these questions I want you to know that you're not alone. I too have many people I think I'd be friends with IF X.Y and Z happened. Or if I wasn't so scared they would think I'm uber creepy.

Take Mary Kate & Ashley for example. I'm positive they need me in their lives they just aren't aware of it yet. I love meeting new people and especially love when I can find a good old weird human being that is just like me, kids or no kids.

I figured if you're new here, or if you know me in real life, I'd let you get to know me a little better. It's always nice to snoop in someone else's life without having to ask right? RIGHT.

We'd probably be friends if you love hot sauce as much as I {we} do {true story, I use to have a stock pile of all different kinds!}

We'd probably be friends if you put a whole bag of chips on your Jimmy Johns sub {BBQ chips only}

We'd probably be friends if you love Mary Kate and Ashley.

We'd probably be friends if you talk about poop. How you don't poop enough. How you are lactose intolerant. How much your kid poops. How you rather wipe a potty trained kids ass than a diaper wearing kids ass. Talking about poop at the dinner table. With you in-laws. The day after drinking poops. Poop. Poop in general.

We'd probably be friends if you are constantly changing your hair. {Have you read this??}

We'd probably be friends if you watch YouTube more than you watch regular TV. My subscription box is ridiculous.

We'd probably be friends if you fold your underwear. Yep I'm sharing my underwear drawer with the internet, colorful isn't it.

We'd probably be friends if you drink Starbucks, if you own a gold card and if you know my Starbucks order by heart. Starbuck is L.I.F.E. yo!

We'd probably be friends if you hate feet or people that clean their ears at the SAME TIME!!! {I'm talking about you JEREK!!!} G-ROSS!!!

We'd probably be friends if you still have your baby blanket and it looks something like this...{mind you this USE to be blue and this also USE to have little square pictures)}I think there is still mascara & snot on this thing from crying all through out high school {I was grounded for 90% of it in case you're wondering} shot out to my mama for keeping me in check ;)

This post is really pointless to be honest but I mean this is my blog so if I want to talk about how weird I am, I can. Sometimes when I'm trolling Instagram admiring {is that even the right word without sounding creepy} some fabulous people I just want to type 'OMG, can we seriously be real life friends!' and then I come back to reality..

Anywho, Happy hump day!


  1. Replies
    1. yesss, love it! I've even taught Jer how to fold them><

  2. YES YES YES. I talk about poop 24/7. People think I'm so weird. I am though, and I like it. Now I want to try chips on my sub. You know how much I love Starbucks and yes I have a gold card. I fold my underwear from my experience at Victoria's Secret. Lol.

  3. I LOVE Marry Kate & Ashley. When I was in art school, I did one of my 2D Design projects about letters using a picture of them (they made an "M" with their bodies which was also the first letter of my first name at the time [my name has since been changed])!!!!!! I love them, tons. I want them to release another movie, though! I miss their movies!

  4. Love this! Also, I'm totally grossed out by feet...yuck! I've never put my chips on my jimmy johns sub, but it looks amazing and I am soooo going to try it next time.
