Recent Target Purchases

You can find me parading through Target at least once a week because I "need" something. Usually what I need is something made up so I have a reason to rummage through the dollar spot or shoe section, hoping to score some $4 pair of heels that I most defiantly do not need but most defiantly can't pass up because THEY ARE $4 yo!

Since I'm always posting deals on Facebook, whether it's for Nume or Target, I figured this might be a fun little series to start, because who doesn't love Target! (If you don't we most certainly are NOT friends!)


I'm currently remodeling my dressing room and will share all the details on that if I ever finish it, July is just SO busy I tell ya! I bought a new desk/vanity about 5 months ago and haven't been digging my chair I have, so like all things in my life, I sold it to my girlfriend. I only did this because I found this beauty at Target sitting on an end rack with a red clearance sticker. It said to sit my fine piece of ass on that it was only $6 but started out $29.99 so I plopped that bad boy into my cart and was on my merry way. The stool is mega comfy and goes with my new eclectic, Scandinavian look/feel I'm attempting to achieve in my new dressing room. 


Moving on to the next and most recent find is this bad boy! Now I remember when backpack purses were not in and I probably made fun of the girls when I saw them but recently they have made this cute 90's come back and I've really been feelin that vibe. What I'm not feeling, like most things in life, is the price tag for the name brand ones, such as this beautiful Long Champ, Marc by Marc Jacobs, or the coveted Elizabeth & James bag I'm drooling over. I walked into Target the other day and spotted her, walked over and flipped over the price tag wondering how much (said in Borat voice of course!) Low and behold she was just over $6! I ran to the nearest scanner to ensure the red sticker was correct and it was! I then tried to find any more so I could hand them out to all my friends and pretend I was Oprah but sadly I got the last lone ranger, sorry girlfriends!
(Similar beige bag found here for a great price!!!)

Over the past one, maybe two years, the Target dollar spot has been a freaking gold mine! They have upped their game and now it's pretty much a $5 and under "spot" now but never the less, I always find the best little gems there! Below are some new pieces you'll see on my desk and dresser in the upcomming dressing room update. I bought some new paperclips and pencils for styling photos for my blog and Instagram (yes, that's a thing!) and another note pad to add to my ever growing collection! I have to buy these little guys every time I enter Target, but they never go to waste, we always use them because I'm a OCD list maker. That silver stand is for your cell phone... RIGHT!!! How awesome is that! I plan on using it when I'm watching Youtube videos at dinner...KIDDING! We have a no phone rule at dinner so I might take this bad boy to work.

I have no idea what I'll use the clip board for but it's gold and white striped soooo...YEAH! The gift tags will be used for items for my girlfriends in the wedding and the black and white straws may never be used in a smoothie, or maybe they will, who knows, who freaking cares! I've never owned paper straws for but for a dollar I was feelin crazy and threw them in the cart!


I promise I'm not a hoarder, I just really really realllly love Target and good deals and pretty things and spending money, ya know, the usual white girl things. Hopefully you like this new series because every time I try to show Jerek a Target haul it usually ends with "how awesome is that and it only cost me $27 for everything!" Which he usually responds, "Cool beach, got any other good stories to tell me?"



  1. all SO cute!! the stool, straws, and mint green caddy are my favs- great job :)

  2. I don't need a clipboard but I NEED that clipboard!!! So cute!
