July Goals

June, where did you go! By the time I realized you were gone I had missed June's goals and July was almost here. Yeah, so here we are!

Lets recap May shall we!

1. Spray the inside & outside of house for spiders- CHECK! I did this outside once but I think it needs to be done again, as well as inside. Too many creepy crawly's have been making their way inside lately!

2. Post before and after results of the 24 Day Challenge- CHECK! I did it and it was scary to be honest! (Here it is if you haven't seen it) I've lost a little bit more weight and toned up even more since posting it so that's really exciting! I think I might make these a regular thing. Not that I love posting my body after having two kids all over the internet but it really holds me accountable, plus it's helped others as well! (I have another challenge group starting July 6th for anyone interested-email me at eastwillowgrove@gmail.com-includes meal ideas/plans, workouts and constant support and check-ins the entire time to stay accountable!)

3. Get bike ready for the summer- FAIL! I keep suggesting that we do but then Jerek and I get started on other projects around the house. Hopefully this weekend we can because Tracen has his big boy bike now and it would be great to go on a bike ride all together!

1. Stay on my Macros/Gym routine- I've talked about how I follow IIFYM lifestyle here but July is always my downfall month. With the holidays, summer vacation and my birthday I ALWAYS fall short in July. I let myself go and indulge in so.many.bbq's! Then I hate myself come August because I've gained weight, made excuses why I didn't work out and it's all gone to shit! This July that's NOT happening!

2. Restart Kayla Itsines plan- This goes hand in hand with number 1. Although it's technically 12 weeks the first month has always been the hardest for me and with it being the month of July, I need that swift kick in the ass! I saw a lot of progress the last time I did it (well, only made it to week 8 because July came around!) but I'm going full force in this time!

3. Finish my dressing room remodel/refresh- I alluded on Facebook a week or so ago that I was already sick of my dressing room and was changing it. So Jer helped me paint the walls, and ceiling (yes, the ceiling is NOT white!) and I finally have put it semi-back together but I need to get all the art work I want framed and hung. I also need to have a sit down with my sewing machine and explain to her that I didn't mean what I said last week and I won't give her to the dump, regardless of threats... But for real, these curtains are giving me a run for my money...

4. Plan Skylor's 2nd birthday- wait wha? I saaaawearrrr I was just planning his fist birthday!? This shit is killing me yo! That's another post for another day full of tears though! So the kid would marry the Bubble Guppies if he could so I'm thinking maybe something fun in our back yard with a small group and a Bubble Guppies theme would be nice, we'll see.

5. Renew license plate tabs & license- yes, this is a goal for the month. Why you ask, well because last year I waited like 3 months to do, got pulled over and had to explain to the officer how I totally forgot about my tabs because we had recently moved and the notice must have gone to my old house. i know what you're thinking, LIE! BUT, it's not a lie, well not totally a lie. They DID go to my old address...and then were forwarded to my new one...but I didn't think it was fair I had to pay $287 on my birthday for a sticker...so I waited. And then I got pulled over, got a $150 fee and had to pay both within 14 days. Good one Chelsea, good one! Anywho, this needs to be taken care of by July 8...FML

Cheers to July friends! We have about a kajillion birthdays to celebrate and I couldn't be more excited! See you Friday for a little fashion Friday post for all my fashionistas out there! 


  1. I can't wait to see your dressing room remodel!

  2. request!! can you do a review on the new Essie gel setter top coat. i think its new, it may not be. I'm just now hearing about it. :)

    1. Oh I'm all about gel top coats! If it doesn't need a light I will def snag and let you know! A new fav of mine recently has been the CND Vinylux top coat. My nails look and feel like I got a gel manicure!
