Happy 2nd Blogiversary East Willow Grove


It's been a while. Some of you are new so let me introduce myself.

My name is Chelsea and I am a 29 year old mother of two. I'm a boy mom with a beauty room and a love for coffee and brunch, preferably together.

I'm a girlfriend of 11 years and fiancé for almost 1, our wedding is exactly 6 months from today in beautiful sunny Mexico! I work full-time in the Detroit auto industry while managing this blog, our daily lives on Youtube and running an Etsy shop. Recently I started shooting wedding videos and have developed a love for long boarding.

I make frequent trips to Target, am obsessed with finding things on sale and don't require a ton of sleep to function, I guess that's where the coffee comes into play. I have a dog who drives me crazy but can't imagine our house or life without him. My heart beats for relationships with family and friends as they are one in the same to me. I thrive on to-do lists and schedules but sometimes make big decisions on a whim.

I enjoy giving gifts much more than receiving them and have a hard time saying no to candy. I love social media, a good dance party and sleeping with the fan on. I could talk to anyone and rarely do I feel uncomfortable in awkward situations. I love adventures and the unknown but crave the security of home base.

I'm an open book, a filterless mouth and a passionate women. I am, East Willow Grove, a place where I come to document the good, the bad, the uplifting and the sad. I try not to hide in my struggles or relish in my fears because you only get one life and this is mine.


Today is not really my blogiversary, Saturday the 26th was, but it was also our Pre-ception party and I decided to hold off writing this till after it was over. My brain has been running a mile a minute and my body can't keep up. I've started posts, filmed videos but have been too twisted around to know what side is up to click publish on anything.

I'm sure you could tell because this place has been a little scarce if we're going to be honest here. While traveling for work,  I've been planning a wedding, parenting and playing house with Jerek. Life has been nothing of boring or basic around here! This past year goals have been met, tears have been shed and new lives have been created. Jerek and the boys have been my light through the forest of unknown adventures and the reason for more laugh lines on my face.

My hopes for this next year on East Willow Grove are big. I want to travel more and showcase these adventures near and far with the boys. To post more outfit ideas from a mom's eye view and display looks for less. I want to archeive milestones while commemorating the everyday happenings on video through my YouTube channel. I want to shoot more weddings, births of new babies and time spent with loved ones.

Sharing it all here is something I enjoying doing, it's never a chore, never something I get sick of, in fact, I wish I was here more, even full-time dare I say. East Willow Grove is a place where all are invited, a place where I hope other mothers nod their heads and smile or can lift themselves up as I too try to navigate parenthood along side of them. It's a place where I had kids first, bought a house second and get married after, a place I am proud of, where I can be creative and a place where I've met new friends. East Willow Grove is more than just a dropbox for my thoughts, an external hard drive for my photos it's a place I come often to clear my head, to remember the moments and to engage with others.

Welcome, you can stay as long as you'd like.

Happy 2 years East Willow Grove, you are so loved. 


  1. Happy 2 years!!! So happy to have you found you through 'blogland' - cheers to many more!

    1. Seriously, it was like fate and then you moved back to Michigan! XX

  2. This was such a great post! Happy anniversary and so glad I'm following you!

    1. Thanks girl! I actually wrote something totally different and highlighted all and deleted it because I hated it. This felt much better :) XO

  3. I don't know how you do so much! I can barely apply myself to do a load of laundry. You must share your secrets!

    1. You're sweet but there are nights I don't sleep and there are days and weeks I don't do anything, as you could see lately, this place was bare because I was wedding planning and traveling for work, I def don't do it all ;) XO

  4. Happy blogiversary! Such an exciting milestone :)

  5. I love this! Happy two years--cheers to many more!!

    1. Yeah and thanks to this place for meeting you :) XX
