December Goals

Hello, it's me.

Adele anyone?

Anyway! It's monthly goal time! I've been slacking on the monthly goals the past few months because my to-do list has basically been a million goals of things that need to be done.

I wont recap the last few months because if you've been reading or watching the videos, you basically know what we've been up to! If you didn't see yesterday's post/video, I'm doing Vlogmas/Blogmas where I will be posting a video or blog post everyday until Christmas, so fun right!

Lets get started!

1. Tracen's 5th Birthday- HOW. How do I almost have a 5 year old. I start to cry just thinking about it. If you want to watch Tracen's 4th year video I made for him you can watch it here or below.

2. Try I read on a mom group I'm on that it's like the Dave Ramsey envelope thing but no envelopes. I mean WHO REALLY HAS CASH ANYWAYS! I've tried before and didn't like it because I had to change all my transactions and it just took a lot of time in my book. I'm sure I'll report back to you on how it is, or if you have used it before/do use it, comment below and tell me the pros/cons, I'm all ears!

3. Do 1 class a week at gym: I recently kicked LA Fitness to the curb and joined Lifetime Fitness on a crazy Cyber Monday deal. This gym is further away but I mostly did it because they have TONS of classes, sports and open swim/gym for the boys. Not to mention they can be in the kids area for 2 hours so I can get a good work out in, shower, blog, edit, whatever I want, it's like a built in babysitter! Still trying to get Jer on board but maybe when he sees we aren't home for hours and how much he misses us he'll join, Hint Hint ;) You are probably thinking what is ONE class at the gym going to do, but I plan on still doing a normal workout at the gym other days, I just want to push myself into trying new things and classes is something that always intimidate me but usually push me the hardest! Plus Lifetime has AMAZING classes to choose from!

4. No booze till New Years: I've done this many times over the last few years and it's worked out GREAT! I've been indulging in too much good beer and wine after dinner every night. We have this habit of grabbing a beer (or two) and watching Netflix till well past midnight and then are mad at ourselves for staying up so late. Lets be serious, we don't need to be drinking the extra calories with a wedding in 5 months.

5. Book flights for Mexico: I've been watching the flights and since they are during Spring break they are a little higher than I really want so I'm trying to work with my travel agent and find the perfect deal. My mom said that she read 56 days out is the "sweet" spot to book but there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm waiting less than 2 MONTHS to book flights. That just sounds stressful! I've heard to also wait till after Christmas/New Years so I might do that as well.

December is about to be over before we know it so make sure you are enjoying the time with your friends and family and not rushing through the motions during this crazy busy season!


  1. No drinks?! Good for you! I couldn't do it!

    1. Coffee is my downfall, even with crazy kids, I can't do it without coffee!

  2. Ooh, I need to look into the every dollar website!

    1. If you do it too, let me know what you think! I've been reading crazy reviews lately and it seems to be loved by all!
