2016 Goals


February is almost here and I've been dragging my feet about this years goals for myself. This is because I've been busy trying to not fire my travel agent for the wedding lord give me ALL the strengths!

Two years ago I wrote this post, and followed up with this post last year. We are now at the start of 2016 and I'm pretty happy with how 2015 went! Sure we've gone through some hard and trying times, but who hasn't, but it's been filled with great, amazing times as well.

I've captured a ton on video of my family, filmed weddings, births, parties and holidays. As 2016 approaches I want to keep up with my monthly goals and set some new yearly goals like I've been doing. I love checking back on these every few months to see where I am and how I can improve on things.

2016 GOALS

1. Run a 10k- I would love to go visit a Allie in San Fran and do one there (how beautiful and fun would that be!) there but that requires a trip and those cost money, sigh.

2. Go see Megan's new baby!!!- One of my best girlfriends from college lives in Orange county California. After years of surgeries and infertility she finally got pregnant and is expecting a baby boy in May! I'm hoping I can squeeze in a whole family trip later in 2016 so we can see him and hit up Disneyland but regardless I really need to get out there!!!

3. Fill up my calendar with weddings, birth and event jobs- Last year I started taking my videography further than just our family vlogs and started shooting weddings and have been booking up for 2016, it's been great! I would love to add in a few more weddings, births and possible small business events for the year. I'm only going to take on a certain number of jobs to ensure I still have time for my family and filming my own projects. If interested in more information, (you can email me at eastwillowgrove@gmail.com or click on the videography tab at the top.)

4. Solo dates with just one child- Tracen recently told me he loves coming to the store with just me, I can tell he loves the one on one time we get with each other. I want to make sure I continue to do this with both kids, as well as Jerek does with both boys, it's important. Whether it's me or Jerek or together, we need to make efforts on taking just one to the store, one to run errands, one to help cook dinner, etc. I truly believe that not only do you need to constantly date your partner, you need to constantly show that same love and affection to your kids with one on one activities.

5. Donate every month- Each month I want to either donate money, items or time to a different organization. Whether it's $20 of dog food to a shelter, a bag of un-used cosmetics  or women products to a women's shelter or a day volunteering at a soup kitchen. Do more and be happy with what you have.

I've said it before but I don't believe in resolutions, I believe in goals and striving to achieve them. If you don't achieve them it's water under the bridge. BUT you have to try, that's the one consolation.

I hope that you've all set goals or have ideas in your head of things you want to accomplish this year, no matter how big or small they may be! 


  1. I love your goal to donate more. It doesn't always have to be money which is great. Time is just as important to give to someone or an organization.

    1. thanks! Something, anything! It's easy and it doesn't have to be much, just SOMETHING!

  2. These are awesome goals. I especially love your goal of dating your children. That's so important!

    1. As they are getting older I'm realizing it SO.MUCH.MORE!
