Friday Faves

This has been SUCH a busy week! Jerek has been holding reviews at work, I've been attempting to not shut down plants in Mexico due to part shortages and the boys have been crazy, per usual!

It's been a little bit since I've had a Friday Faves post so I thought we were due for one, shall we!

1. Last Friday Faves I mentioned how I was contemplating doing a Capsule Wardrobe and unlike Vlog/Blogmas, I DID IT and I've been loving it! If you want more info on what it is, watch this video and if you want to see what is in my capsule wardrobe watch this video!

2. As you know, I'm mildly obsessed with watching YouTube as well as producing videos for my own channel. I've been on team #nocable for like YEARS now, we're just waiting on our contract to run out and then we are saying bye Felicia to it. One of my favorite film makers, because he's MORE than just a "vlogger" is Casey Neistat. This dude is cool, he's laid back, doesn't give two fawks and makes some killer videos. You may have seen his video for Nike before or perhaps his video series him and his brother made and sold to HBO. Like Stop. Anyways, he started daily vlogging last year, lives in NYC and is killin it in the game of life. Having his son in his teens, dropping out of high school and really making a name for himself, this guy is super rad. I'm 110% positive Jerek is sick of me always talking about him. Check out his channel and don't worry about getting sucked in, you'll find your way out...somehow!

3. My wedding dress alterations are on the 2nd of February and I need to find shoes before I go so we know what to hem everything to. Since it's freezing in Michigan the sandals aren't exactly out in full force yet so I'm trying to find some options but am not having the best luck. I'm not doing heels , unless I find some chunky ones I just can't like without cause well I've had two kids and whenever I try and wear them I look like I'm dancing to the nae nae song when they sing and break your legs, go and break your legs.... it's not a cute look! I also want something that are comfortable and I'll wear while we're there because shoes you will wear only one day and that give you blisters make ZERO sense to me! Here are some options I've found. 99% of you have no idea what my dress looks like but think like beachy meets whimsical meets outdoorsey meets I dunno, just tell me what shoes you like, kthanks.

1  |  2  |  3  |  4

4. Again with the wedding coming up, I've been trying to really watch what I eat while also still enjoying what I eat, it doesn't have to be a catch 22 people! I've been turning to my trusty Pinterest boards lately and have been making green juice/smoothies as home. It looks like I'll be making more of them at home especially since I just bought this one while at work today and it was $5.99. Shoot me in the big toe on that call! I wanted the juice so bad that I didn't look at the price until I forked over my debit card. Smooth move Chels, smooooth move.

5. Eyelash extensions. Yes, they are a thing and mine are light brown with blonde ends. Without mascara I look like I have rat eyes. Okay, I'm being dramatic but really guys, I look like a little mouse. I have a great mascara routine that I don't stray. I love me a good pair of Ardell demi wispies when we are hanging up our PJ's and going out for the night. HOWEVER, a ton of my girlfriends and even my aunt have lash extensions. They transform your whole face when you have them! I knew I wanted to get them before the wedding so I've been on the hunt to find someone local that I love and can recommend to others. If you are in Metro Detroit area PLEASE send me info on places you swear by!

Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend!


  1. I like the third shoe, love the design! But also like the first one too! If it was me I would go for the third one :)!

  2. I vote for #3! (And I've seen the dress!)

  3. I vote #3 for the shoes! So pretty and who wants to wear heels on the beach?!

  4. I LOVE all of your tops!! I say #3 or #4 on the shoes! xoxo
