My Favorite Pinterest Recipes

Pinterest is my go-to everything finder.

You want to find inspiration for your wardrobe, Pinterest.
Your living room needs a facelift, Pinterest.
You don't know what the hell to cook the people in your house, PINTEREST!

If I ever try claiming a recipe is my own you can call me a blatant liar because I know zero about cooking! I'm the girl that follows recipes to a tee and still can't get them right. Jerek can whip something out of nothing and it's one of the things I'm most jealous about! His cooking skills are up there with Chef Ramsey, perhaps I'm biased though.

I've had my fair share of Pinterest fails but figured instead of concentrating on what I suck at lets talk about some accomplishments! I know a lot of my readers are moms and I'm hear to tell you all these recipes are very I'm really busy, I'm a mom approved! Jerek has even tried all of these meals when I've cooked them. Some of these are repeat offenders and I make them time and time again!
My Pinterest cooking hasn't been limited to just these that I mention but these are just the ones that I've made well decent and we've actually enjoyed eating!









I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the easy meals I've been whipping up by some amazing chefs and fellow bloggers. Remember that cooking and baking can be fun, cooking with kids can even be fun, and no, that is NOT the wine talking! Try something new, it doesn't have to be hard but try something new once a week and you'll be surprised how liberating, relaxing and even joyful it can be! 


  1. Thanks a lot, now I'm drooling all over my keyboard. Great round-up!
