December Goals

Let me start off by saying last month I must had grown a pair because uhh what, 5 goals with the holidays and Tracens birthday rapidly approaching, yeah I'm a physco. Do I even have to tell you that things didn't get done, because they didn't. I swear I either rock this shit or forget the whole 30 days even happen. Welp, here we go friends!

The dreaded recap of last months goals:

1. Gym Schedule- I planned a schedule, yes this is true. It's full of classes, Kayla workouts, cardio and weight days but I'd Pinocchio if I even whispered that I followed the schedule to you!- #failllll

2. Plan Tracen's 4th birthday- Okay, so I did this one! I even made the invites {just like I had done for Sky's} and am dropping them off at the post in the morning! I don't want to spill what the theme is but it's real cute {tooting my own horn, TOOT TOOT!}-MOM POINTS!

3. Plan "vlog/blogcember"- Welcome to day 2! So far so good huh! Most of it is planned out, that's what matters right! Yesterday was day one and I posted our long Thanksgiving weekend video on my YouTube channel. You can watch it here if you haven't :) PS. yes, I did barf all day Sunday and look like utter shit and still got on camera. Things like that need to be documented so I never drink that much again! #classreunionsforthewin

4. Book a wedding venue- Fail. Uhh did you read my last hump day confessions, this wedding stuff man.

5. Get engagement pictures done- This is a half fail. They were scheduled for November 23 but after having breakfast with our friends {one was the photographer, Jenny, from our family photos} we left and I called her {in a pissy mood might I add} and said very dramatically 'I'm calling this shit off. The snow melted, there's everywhere and I haven't even showered' We both agreed it wasn't ideal so I'm kinda just waiting to see what this lovely Michigan weather brings us to re-schedule. I've only pinned a bajillion snowing engagement pictures...come on Alan Longstreet, I am requesting some snow here!

Lets get down to business here and be honest with each other. Since it's the holidays and Tracen's birthday is the 21st I'm hella busy. I'm being SUPER realistic for these goals this month and only setting three, here we go!

1. Drink more water- I've made this goal before and did well at it. Then I fell off, like barely drinking 12 ounces a day fall off! {Embarrassing!} I'm going to try and drink half my body weight, so about 50 ounces {KIDDING!!!} more like 63.25 if you're going to do the math ;)

2. Deep clean the house-No really, this needs to happen. I mean not JUST because were hosting one of the family Christmas dinners but because we have two crazy boys and a dog and the floors are never clean and the fridge has seen better days and the bath tub still has "washable" kids crayons on it and the carpets need cleaning and the list honestly goes on! We 'pick' up every day/night but I'm talking about a Molly Maid or whatever it's called cleaning!

3. Make a growth chart- I've had the supplies in my notes section of my phone to buy for some time now. We've kept marks on the wall where the kids are but I want to make this cute ruler to use instead of the side of pantry cabinet. Plus it's almost a dummy proof Pinterest project!

Easy right? Well, we can talk again come January 1st. In the meantime, Happy Holidays and see you tomorrow for day 3 of Vlog/Blogmas!


  1. Lets be gym partners!! I really only have to make it there once in the next 30ish days for it to be a win LOL

    1. how do we escape all these boys...theres 4 at your house and 3 at mine...yikes!

  2. We take popcorn on the road too! It's a must-have! I'll join you on the deep cleaning the house goal... hopefully tomorrow but probably not :)

    1. I'm obsessed with the Trader Joe's Olive Oil popcorn, makes me feel like I'm not eating THAT bad of a snack :)
