Flake Free Lips

Ever discover something that wasn't meant to be discovered, or was it?

I have very sensitive, dry skin. In the winter it's about 10 times worse than normal. Just when I think I've figured out the perfect skin care routine to keep my face hydrated, Michigan weather changes and I'm back to looking like a flakey croissant.  

My lips fall into this category as well.

I hate nothing more than putting on a good lipstick and having my lips a hot, pealing mess! Sometimes it seems that no matter what I do, no matter how much I moisturize they can never stay smooth and flake free. With this Michigan winter approaching at an ungodly speed I've been scrubbing my lips like a mad man!

Introducing my flake free lip routine.

I think it was around Christmas time last year when I finally stumbled my way into LUSH after I had passed by it for quite some time. I never understood the hype to be honest. All of my preconceived thoughts were thrown out the window when I started talking to the staff. They were honestly THE nicest employees I had come across in a while. I've worked in retail through high school and college so I'm pretty particular when it comes to employees actually being nice and not just for a quick sale. I wish I could have remembered the girls names but any time I've gone into LUSH the employees have been great really! While there picking up a roots and full of grace I snagged a Lip Scrub in Mint Julip while at the register. 

This little lip scrub has lasted a long ass time! At first I used this just on its own until one night I used my Oral B Orabrush and my life was forever changed! I picked up this little tongue brush on a whim as I had a 2 for 1 coupon. Jerek thought I was mega weird and didn't want to use one I picked up for him. {fine then!} One night while I was letting my lip scrub soak in I started 'brushing my tongue.' The whole concept felt so odd to me that I washed the brush off, stared at my lips and a damn lightbulb hovered over my head. Just. Like. That.

Slowly, in circular motions I started buffing the scrub into my lips. It felt invigorating and I was obsessed with the feeling but more so the LOOK! My lips had never felt THIS soft and never looked THIS smooth or plump! Afterwards I followed up my CVS brand knock off Aquafor 'ultra healing lip treatment'. This stuff is Ahhh mazing. Although if you don't have this, Vaseline is great to use as well! Ever since that lonely night in the bathroom I can't stop this sick obsession. 

Like all things in life I'm the happiest when I find a great product but is also affordable! The total for all three items is $19.41 + tax. Now some of you may think $20 to scrub your lips is pricey but I'm telling you, I've tried TONS of low to high end scrubs and moisturizers and NOTHING has left my lips the way they are today. I'm also still using my original brush and lip scrub since last December so $20 for almost a full year of kissable lips is totally fine with me! 

As always, if you have any recommendations on products I might like or that you personally like, I'd love to hear about them in the comments below! 

Pucker up ladies!

I recently caved and started a Facebook page for all things East Willow Grove. So if you want to stay up to date on dumb shit that I think is interesting, guest posts, giveaways and pictures of food than come on over!


  1. Isn't LUSH amaze?! I swear by the Sparkle Toothy Tabs. I overheard someone there talking about how it was the ONLY "toothpaste" that removed their smoking stains (or something?) from their teeth. I gave it a whirl because of my addiction to coffee and seriously...they've whitened my teeth better than any normal whitening toothpaste EVER has. It's an acquired taste (black pepper/grapefruit), but my teeth feel insanely clean after brushing. Now I want to try that Roots treatment!

    1. LAAAVVEEE Lush! But is it weird that that combo actually sounds GOOD to me?! I'm gonna have to grab some, or Jerek, if you're reading, it sounds like a great stocking stuffer...just sayin ;)

  2. Interesting! My face is the polar opposite of dry so this is of zero use to me but two things just happened. One, was that I'm super interested in brushing my tongue with that thing. I use my toothbrush now but maybe I should switch?! I'll have to look for a coupon ;) and two, I'm reading Barbara's comment and feel like trying those whitening strips! I've done professional (ain't got that cash now honey) and the Crest (which basically makes my teeth so sensitive that I'd rather just call life quits that very moment) so I'm open to trying something else!

    1. You must have been real excited because she said it's toothpaste ;) Even better!

    2. Haha I was going to say...it's toothpaste! They're little tabs that you have to nibble between your teeth first, then you start brushing and it foams up in your mouth. Seriously, it's so weird, but it WORKS.

    3. Oh, and one last thing...oil pulling does wonders for teeth whitening too ;)

    4. I oil pulled one time Barbara...for about 6 seconds before I barfed in my sink. I wish I could do it!

  3. Replies
    1. The amount of bath bombs I want is dumb, dumb I tell Ya!

  4. ??? Are you saying Jerek thinks brushing your tongue is weird??? I thought everyone brushed their tongue. Gotta brush that nasty furry stuff off!!!!
